Wednesday, May 01, 2024


All over the world, the radical disaffecteds raged today. Not only actual wage slaves, but also semi-educated bourgeois prole pretendeurs and citizens of formerly imperialist countries resentful of the only superpower. As well as the residents of bantustans like London, Berkeley, Oakland, and the Mission District. Huzzah.

[The usual terrorist-supporting bitchbags were on the street in SF today. In case you were wondering.]

I was reminded of this by the discourse of Robert, ABC, who railed against the United States daring to involve itself in the Pacific, and lambasted what he refered to as United States colonies Japan and the Philippines. Quite like something from 1970's propaganda.
Well, he is eighty years old.

Back in the seventies the well-informed sociaal bewogen leftwing wholeheartedly supported re-education camps, the Khmer Rouge, Che Guevara's murderous tendendencies, just like their parents had cheered on the Soviet crackdowns in Eastern Europe, and Stalin's regime murdering hundreds of thousands. There was not an atrocity that could be hued in convenient revolutionary guise that they did not approve of.
Wholeheartedly and unreservedly.
Their modern day heirs celebrate rape, violence, and hatred, from the Palestinians through the Iranians to the Yemeni and Somali pirates and the Janjaweed. The international drug trade? Well, it harms primarily the decadent West, so it, too, is good. Repression of women? It's a cultural thing, who are we to judge. Kneecapping and slaughter of political opponents? Necessary, and for a good cause. They went onto the streets today to overturn garbage receptacles and break plate glass in support of all that.


Both Che Guevara and Enver Hoxha are dead as doornails now, as well as several of the old style Western European communist traitors. The world is a better place. There are still a few Berkeleyite Marxists around, slavishly kissing Islamist arse, but eventually they too will die and be eaten by worms.

Go ahead and riot in the streets, you morons.
You are braindead and disgusting.
Spit you out.

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