Monday, December 18, 2023


Do people need to micturate more when there is rain during the night? It's a serious question. If they do, then perhaps they should drink more before going to bed to maintain proper electrolyte levels. Especially athletes.

[Please note: I have no idea what electrolytes do, and I'm too lazy to look it up. I'm sure Wikipedia has an informative article about that. Whatever. They're important. Various salt-like chemicals.]

This thought struck me at just after five o'clock this morning, when I had gotten up two hours before I intended to, and was in the bathroom attending to the call of nature.

Being a sane and sober man, I rely on caffeinated beverages for my jollies, unlike all the dissipanting savages down on Polk Street hanging out in bars.

This habit affects my interpretation of reality.

As well as my sleep patterns.
Naturally, as you would expect, I'm whacked to the gills right now on my second cup of coffee. It's only at moments such as these that I could possibly match my apartment mate for wide-awakeness and energy, seeing as she is an early person. I am a morning grump.
Kind of reptilian and slow because of the temperature and sluggish circulation.

Except for my bladder. Which is shown above.

Ideally, my perambulation with a smoke after that first cup of coffee would terminate at the apartment of some nice young person who would unlock her door and invite me in, saying "there are some extra books near the easy chair, make yourself comfortable while finishing your pipe, then put on a pot of coffee and prod me awake when it's ready. I'm going back to bed now". Soon there is gentle snoring from the other room.

What's perfect about that fantasy sequence is that it's not very social and takes into acount comfort levels and quietness, then glides gently into stimulation. And there is a throw rug.
For the easy chair. Plus it's indoors. Instead of outside in the weather.

The aroma of my pipe tobacco is "urbane".
That of the coffee is soothing.

Maybe she has a stack of old Scientific Americans or National Geographics.

NOTE: The illustration in this post is not actually my bladder, as you've probably realized, but the Brantas river flowing through Kediri, not far from Malang.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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