Monday, March 06, 2023


Microsoft Start offers news based on algorithms, trying to cater to the readers interests. So, sometimes, it drops an egg. Which over the past few months have taught me that some news sources are basically right-wing goon squads peddling propaganda.

The Washington Examiner. Newsweek. Daily Mail. New York Post. Fox News.
And many others too shitty to list.

The fact that Fox is staffed by the Sturm Abteil wannabees is, of course, well known. They've shamelessly pandered to the worst instincts of inbreds for so many years that even their own talking heads admit they've got an agenda. But the other listed "new sources" are certainly no slouches either. Just like during the Bush and Reagan years, it's gotten to the point where the only way you will actually get real news unflavoured with right-wing dooky is by reading German.

Yeah, I know, you're wondering why I don't mention the BBC or, given that one of my native languages is Dutch, the news organizations in the Netherlands.


Update as of 6:00 PM, March 6, 2023:

Add The Daily Caller to the list.
And again, The New York Post.
It's a garbage rag.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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