Wednesday, February 17, 2021


The internet is a marvelous place. Especially the angry comment strings. Like everyone, I enjoy reading other people's pissed-offedness, if the target of said pissed-offedness is richly deserving of it.

Texas. Cold spell.

Name redacted: Consider Divine Retribution. It happens sometimes.

Name redacted: How about for electing Ted Cruz? How about for what they did back in the day with Standard Oil? They wanna secede from the Union, not just the grid? Send them packing, and let the door hit them so hard in the butt, that Galveston lands in the Gulf... because there is no climate change. Just ask Dreck Cruz.

Name redacted: I don't think people should freeze, but unlike the mayor of Colorado City, I don't think they have to fend for themselves. I believe in local governments, state governments and the federal government helping people. But Texas did it to itself, and its politicians even told their own constituents that they are on their own. But since it got bad publicity, Cruz is now on hands and knees begging the Feds for assistance. Well, if he gets it with OUR tax monies, he should be forced to pay back every single penny, and MORE with interest. BTW, who do you blame for people freezing to death in NYC? Chicago? And every other major city under storm watches and buried under 4 or 5 feet of snow? Do you think that anyone has responsibility for those people? The government does. But when a state government tells its own constituents to eat it and die, while crapping all over a president they claim is a lying pedophile vote stealer, we should greet them with open arms and give them whatever they ask for? Do you think Ted Cruz would even allow someone with health problems to get the ACA? Don't make me laugh. Nazis are nazis, even if they call themselves Republicans or the Grand Old Party. With a handful of exceptions, they are deplorable... if they weren't their electrical grid would have been built to prevent exactly what happened. But hey, F federal regulations and the federal grid, because TEXAS FOR ASSES. THIS IS HOW THEY THINK.

Name redacted: AND I SURE AS HELL DON'T OWE THEM ANYTHING, EXCEPT TO THROW CRUZ IN JAIL FOR FOMENTING THE INSURRECTION. I didn't elect that shtick dreck and the rest of those monsters. The Texans did.

Name redacted: I don't know of any other state that broke off the grid, and here in PA, I spend most of time trying to get rid of the bastards who were elected on the mail in ballots and then led the insurrection. So they get their fair share from me on a regular. And are you kidding me? We are buried under almost 4 feet of snow right this minute with another 8" due tomorrow. Do you think the county won't clear the roads? They will. But, good fascists that they are, they won't get us vaccines in a timely way, but they will clean the roads and fix the fallen wires as soon as they come down. The more dead old people, the better, according to the GOP in Harrisburg. Less unemployment and welfare to pay out. Just like Texas and other red states. Let all the poor, the old and the sick die, they say. And that is why Trump and Co. let half a million people die, esp. those in blue states. Don't forget how your grandmother, Miriam died. From Corona, in a nursing home because Trump said NY should fend for itself. Now let the people who planned that get a piece of what that feels like. But no. They go crawling on their hands and knees to Biden and BLAME THE DEMOCRATS FOR THEIR BLACK OUT.

Name redacted: Excuse me if my empathy meter is broken. After all, their moral compass hasn't worked since Ronald Reagan and Pat Buchanan put all of this into play back in the day.

Name redacted: So now I am morally bankrupt. Because the Texas government refuses to take care of its constituents and comes begging to the rest of us? You and I know damned well, the Feds will give Texas what it needs, but Texas will NOT. I repeat WILL NOT take care of the poor and minorities. They will pour everything into the big businesses and the rich, the way they always do. Have you read all of Caro's books on LBJ? He was the only Texan who ever gave a rat's ass about impoverished Texans, and the big businesses there punished him for putting the poor on the electrical grid in the first place!

Name redacted: And that's ok. When I objected to having a Black friend being called two horrible names, one for a woman and the other for a Black person, I was called a racist.

Name redacted: Texas is Texas.

Okay then. You hate Texas. Lady, we all do.

Your screed is wasted, because Texans can't read.

In other news: Rush Limbaugh is dead. De mortuis nihil nisi bonum ......
Rush Limbaugh, like most people, was up to 60% water.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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