Wednesday, February 17, 2021


The good news today is that Rush Hudson Limbaugh died. Many people on the internet are now saying 'de mortuis nil nisi bonum', one mustn't gloat, it's bad form to speak ill of the poor man, a great American, and similar gentle things. Which are absolute nonsense.
If anyone deserved to die, it was that odious poltroon.

I am not a hypocrite; I detested that man and am overjoyed he died suffering for months as the disease ate away at him. In the words of a good friend: "Some will mourn him, I'm sure. I won't. I want to know where they bury him so I can shit on his grave." How delicious that his burial plot will be a unisex toilet.

If anyone represented the absolute vilest aspect of America, assuredly Rush Limbaugh did. His toxic radio broadcasts were like little clotty seeds of pus blown into wind, poisoning hearts and minds across the country. They landed in fertile soil, and thrived there.
Rush Limbaugh was no patriot, but a festering boil.

Rush Limbaugh dying restores some light to the world.

We should celebrate his passing the same way we should have marked the death of Ronald Reagan, the way we will sing hosannas when Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump finally croak. Soon and in our days. Ecstacy, wild happiness, intemperate joy.
Champagne, a delightful feast, and dancing.

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Lady Ignatia J. Reilly said...

Harlan Ellison accurately described Rush Limbaugh as a "pustulent, ruddy sack of monkey nuts" on Politically Incorrect in the mid-90s. I shall never forget it.

Also I recall the description of Jerry Falwell by the late Christopher Hitchens, "If you gave him an enema he could be buried in a matchbox."

Personally, I recall the words that have been variously attributed but are extremely apt: "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure."

Swearengenly amphibious said...

He lived about 70 years longer than he should have done, far as I'm concerned.

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