Monday, June 01, 2020


In a stunning leap of logic, the rioters yesterday decided that my local Walgreens may have had something to do with George Floy's death. Along with fancy clothing labels, trashbins and their contents, and several plate glass windows along Market Street and around Union Square.
Those rioters were almost all random white guys.
Young random white guys.

Whenever you see random white guys you can expect trouble.

Basically, young males of any dominant group are troublemakers, it's the nature of the beast, but America's younger white males are particularly toxic and inclined to be assholes. It may be time to cull the herd.
This generation is particularly vile.

Think about it. Rioters after sports games, gang rapists, drunken techno-yuppies at Vesuvio, looters along Geary Street, the vandals arrested last night at Sixth and Market, soccer hooligans, Brock the Palo Alto Rapist, the armies of the Confederacy, Martin Shkreli, frat boys, stock market speculators, the KKK, and Adolph Hitler; all young white guys.

Assisted and enabled in their destructive rampages by their vicious girl friend Becky and their mom Karen.

The most humane thing to do is to stun them, take them into custody, and release them into the national parks and the dessert.
After shooting the rabid ones, of course.

Also, make sure that local people in the cities are well armed, just in case there are any strays.

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