Friday, January 11, 2019


The problem with the news these days is the same as the problem with the delinquents huffing cigars in the lounge behind me: too much angry dumb redneckism, and rightwing tantrums. Actually, there is no level of either of those things that is acceptable, it should all be squashed.

Yesterday I told Patrick that there were seven people back there, with five brains between them. So conversationally expect the worst.

He immediately guessed "three democrats and four republicans".

His math is impeccable. Not educated here.

For most of them, if they were to participate in the eighteenth annual 'no-pants Bart ride' this Sunday, it would be totally accidental.

There's a theory that our esteemed dumb-ass president is whacked out of his gourd on Adderall. Used in greater than therapeutic dosages, because as Ben Carson amply demonstrates, not every member of the medical branch is an honest doctor. Some of them are for sale.

At recreational levels of abuse, the side effects are consistent with Trump's behaviour (widely observed as well as anecdotally reported), trailer parks, and the methamphetamine junkies one runs into in North Beach.
Chemically-induced dysfunctionality.

The cigar smokers are prosperous gentlemen of Marin.
A region famous for cocaine and other drugs.
Draw your own conclusions.

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