Friday, January 25, 2019


A cure for diabetes being circulated on the internet (so you know it works!) advocates eating lots of fruit to start the day, at least two pounds of cucumbers every evening. Abstaining from dairy products.
And do not take any medicines.
Plus, beets are magical.
Three day cure.

Three days!

Ketoacidosis. Renal failure. Chronic inflammation. Necrosis.
Ulceration. Brian damage. Amyotrophy.
Blindness. Coma.

And an eventual failure to breathe.

Allegedly beets and apple cider vinegar decalcify the pineal gland, which is your third eye.

While you are slipping into massive organ shutdown, your "third eye" will be ever so useful.

To the best of my knowledge, I do not have diabetes. And I'm fairly sure that this "diet" would give me a massive case of the shits, besides driving me to insanity, drink, and a lust for beefsteak or roast duck, by day three.

To repeat: diarrhea, psychosis, whisky, animal protein.

A little bit of research on the internet shows that beets are the new kale, and have great unquantifiable karmic benefits for people with diabetes (and / or high blood pressure), which, I'm sure, my doctors will have comments about.
I just have to find a way of bringing this up conversationally without them giggling and thinking that I've finally lost it.
But you have to add apple juice (or carrot juice, the magic scrolls ain't quite clear in that regard), and at least a teaspoon of cider vinegar.

Plus, probably, turmeric, and organic honey.
Again, two pounds of cucumbers.

That's a lot of tzatziki.
And souvlakia.

The twenty first century middle class is nuts.

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