Thursday, September 30, 2010


The way it stands now Dutch firebrand Geert Wilders and his party are slated to be part of the next government in the Hague. This, it turns out, displeases the Netherlands' neighbor to the East.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel uttered tut-tut sounds regretting this development.

Tough. Not really any of her beeswax. Germans especially need to be hesitant with their opinions about the political situation in other countries. There's a history there that might beg some uncomfortable questions.

And given that Wilders' ideas are the direct result of the open-door policy towards unfettered immigration most notably exemplified by Germany, whose booming economy demanded massive cheap labour at nearly subhuman wages - importing millions of uneducated immigrants throughout the past four decades - perhaps Ms. Merkel would be wise to shut up.

Her country pioneered the very policies which have yielded many of Western Europe's current social problems.

DEN HAAG - PVV-leider Geert Wilders vindt dat de Duitse bondskanselier Angela Merkel zich moet onthouden van commentaar op de politieke samenwerking tussen VVD, PVV en CDA in Nederland. Merkel zei deze week die samenwerking te betreuren. „Frau Merkel, Sie haben kein Recht”, zei Wilders donderdag.
End quote.
[The Hague - PVV leader Geert Wilders thinks that German Chancellor Angela Merkel should recuse herself from commenting about the political co-operation between the VVD (Liberal-Conservatives), PVV (Jingoists) and CDA (Christian-Democrats) in the Netherlands. Merkel said this week that such cooperation was regrettable. "Mrs. Merkel, that is not your right", Wilders said on Thursday.]

Wilders: Frau Merkel, Sie haben kein Recht

CDA-fractievoorzitter Maxime Verhagen is ervan overtuigd dat Nederland en Duitsland „op vruchtbare wijze als buurlanden met elkaar kunnen optrekken” als de Duitse bondskanselier Angela Merkel het regeerakkoord heeft gelezen. Verhagen, ook demissionair minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, zei dat hij met Merkel eens is dat ze niet gaat over de vorming van coalities in andere landen en benadrukte de goede contacten die hij heeft met Merkel persoonlijk en met haar partij, de christendemocratische CDU/CSU. End quote.

[CDA faction chairman Maxime Verhagen is convinced that the Netherlands and Germany 'can beneficially advance their neighborly relations' once the German Chancellor has read the governing-agreement. Verhagen, also caretaker minister of foreign affairs, said that he agrees with Merkel that she is not speaking about coalition-formation in other countries, and emphasized the excellent relation he personally has with Merkel and her party, the Christian-Democratic CDU/CSU.]

In precisely the same way that the know-it-all opinions of European intellectuals about American politicians irritates me, or the moronic adulation of Geert Wilders by far-right borderline psychopaths in the United States gets my goat - look, dummies, if you do NOT understand the Dutch language or the history and society of the Netherlands, you really have no friggin' clue what Geert Wilders is all about - Merkel's smarmy comment pisses me off.

The Byzantine Dutch political world ain't her ballgame, nor does she understand the rules. Her comments are not helpful, or fully informed.
It would be far better if she kept quiet.

The same, by the way, goes for all of you English-speaking monolinguals here in America who have joined the Geert Wilders fan club. You don't know what you're talking about, many of you are remarkably stupid and strident, most of you lack a nuanced point of view and any ability for abstract thought.
It would be far better if you also kept quiet.

NOTE: If you wish, you may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Jonas said...

"Germans especially need to be hesitant with their opinions about the political situation in other countries. There's a history there that might beg some uncomfortable questions."

Great argument. The Auschwitz-killer. Always works to shut up a German you don't like, doesn't it. Why exactly should Merkel not be allowed to say that she's not pleased to see Wilders in government?

Irrespective of what you think of her opinion - and I personally don't share it in this case -, it is not really condign to use "Auschwitz" as an (eternal) argument to forbid a German politician to voice his/her opinion on foreign affairs. And quite immature, actually.

The back of the hill said...

Jonas, you are correct. But only if one limits it to Germans. Which in this case was rather inevitable, it was a German who said something stupid about Dutch politics. My point, however, remains; she should shut up. Both as an outsider, and as a politician and representative of her government.

So should the French - bloody Napoleonic mayhem artists and cheese-snarfing surrender monkeys.
So should the British - brutal imperialists with their very own brand of xenophobic bigotry, toward the entire continent, nota bene.
The Belgians - racist weasels themselves, with a long history of neither standing up for their own cultures nor resisting foreign domination.
The Italians - incompetents and brutalists with enough skeletons in the closet that they had best not draw attention to themselves.
The Americans - good lord, a long record of dunces and no-necks wandering the halls of power with their knuckles dragging on the ground; far better they should ignore the Europeans.
The Russians and Chinese - such brutal internal politics that they have no right to speak at all.
The Muslims - violent tin-pot tyrannies whose political landscapes are littered with the corpses of both their rivals and their own citizens.
In short, everybody who is a foreign politician, OR cannot even read Dutch, should learn to keep their big arrogant gobs firmly clamped shut. They have no right to speak, they beyond a shadow of a doubt don't even know of what they speak.

As for the 'immaturity' of the post, my argument, rhetorically-loaded though it may be, still stands.

For the record, I am more than a little bit ambivalent about Geert Wilders, and regard many of his supporters as merely the political wing of Stormfront Netherlands - though that is not necessarily his fault; he simply attracts some remarkably unreconstructed bastards. But as a poke in the eye of the Hague, he works well. And those stiff proper deftige testicel bags desperately need precisely that.

The back of the hill said...


Additionally, you have probably also surmised correctly that I have little regard for Europeans. Indeed. I see no reason to think well of that bunch. In feite kan dat hele kontinent verder naar de kloten gaan dan het al is.
I am not vested in the weal or woe of Europe.

Further, this blog, as you may notice upon reading further, serves as a personal soap box. Many Europeans do not quite grasp that that is the larger purpose of blogging, as they still think that a blog should serve as form of newspaper or intellectual courant. Nothing could be further from the truth! Most bloggers simply give their own view, many do not bother to underpin anything they say or give the source of their 'facts', and almost none of us are paid to blog, or in any way required to pretend that we are journalists. Why so many Europeans should expect that of us is rather baffling, but then a fair number of European blogs are either political or faux-intellectual dabbling in politics.
Except of course for those which are simply pornographic.

In short, this is NOT the news. This is merely a voice. Not THE voice. I do not claim otherwise.

The back of the hill said...

Oh, and one other thing - seeing as the Europeans are STILL blaming us for the ills of slavery (which they invented, notabene and godverdomme), it seems rather apposite to also hold them responsible for both WWI and WWII.
As well as Fascism, Communism, the invention of concentration camps, the efficient modernization of methods for mass extermination, the brutal colonialism that traumatized so much of Africa and Asia up to the fifites and even sixties .....

Very impactful, those Europeans.

Slavery was abolished in the US in 1863. We fought a war over it.

You know, one of the pleasures of visiting Europe is seeing all the beautiful houses and monuments built with the obscene profits of slavery and colonial trade. They are all so very beautiful.

The back of the hill said...

For a concise listing of the 'impactfulness' of the Dutch, please see here:

Sorry I haven't done the same for the other Europeans. But really, I just don't have enough time.
It could be done, though. Certainly there is tonnes of material.
Even though they are now pure as the driven snow, those Europeans sure have a long history.

Conservative apikoris said...

"Slavery was abolished in the US in 1863. We fought a war over it. "

And the Spanish abolished slavery in 1811, in Greece in 1822, the UK in 1833, Sweden in 1847, Denmark and France in 1848, and slavery was abolished in Dutch colonies in 1863, all without having to fight any civil wars.

And the Emancipation of slaves in the US in 1863 only applied to slaves in Confederate territories, the slaves in Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri didn't get freed until 1865 by constitutional amendment.

And after we freed our slaves we were 100% totally neurotic about blacks, something that occurs to this day.

Of course, the Euros needed a Holocuast to exorcise their demons about Jews, but they were on their way towards reality before Hitler led them on their crazy detour.

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