Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I now face several choices which I did not expect to have to make in my life, certainly not at this time. Situations have changed, and certain things which were fundamental are now less so.
Forgive me for being coy – I do not wish to share the details yet, as I am still in the process of digesting matters, making sense of it all, coming to terms.
I just want you to know that if things seem a little strange here over the next few months, it isn’t you. It’s me. And I apologize.


Life changes, and developments force you to grow. Sometimes great flexibility is required, but if you face issues saying gamzu le tova, you may be surprised at how much personal resilience you can muster, and how different circumstances lead to new things and pleasant discoveries.
Over time some of those new things will probably appear on this blog.
[Heck, that's pretty much guaranteed. ]

Please bear in mind that I will impart my view and impose my interpretation. It may be transparent, but that does not mean that it is insincere.
A certain level of dissimulation is natural, and I am a devious man.

Note of dreary reassurance: No, this is NOT job-related. Nor an ideological shift of any kind. And no, I am not joining the Foreign Legion. Or any freakazoid cult.
I have no intention of doing a Michael Jackson, having ill-advised plastic surgery, disappearing into the jungle, or undergoing a complete sex and identity change.
[Although if YOU intend to do any of those things, I will be fascinated by all the dirty details you wish to share – please send pictures.]

Again, there may be odd things here over the next few months. Think of it as a project in process. There is no real plan as yet, that will come with time – but I’m flying by the seat of my pants at present.

NOTE: If you wish, you may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

>I am still in the process of digesting matters

Oh god! You ate your girlfriend, you sick bastard!

The back of the hill said...

Hee hee hee!

captiously amphibious said...

There may be odd things here, eh? That'll make a change.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm worried.
I know you aren't into random chatting, but you may be forced in the near future.

Anonymous said...

I will await the details in breathless anticipation. This better not be anticlimactic or I will be forced to do something drastic!

Kevin :-)

Tzipporah said...

You realize that what you left OUT of your list of "it's not this, it's not that" is fairly conspicuous, right? I hope the new developments lead to good things and lots of personal growth.

gustatorially amphibious said...

Not vegetarianism, we trust.

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