Wednesday, September 15, 2010


In Delaware, a state with a long history of opposition to masturbation and science, the Teaparty has scored a major victory. As of today, their Republican candidate for the Senate is an angry woman who never graduated college, and has spoken in public about masturbation.

Let me clarify that: Christine O'Donnell is an anti-masturbation crusader. All masturbation should cease.

Apparently it didn't work for her.

Or her hypothetical husband.



You know, I never thought I would ever use that sentence. But now is the time. If casual sex leads to unwanted babies, obviously masturbation leads to Christine O'Donnell.
Don't ask me how.
It's just a theory - like creationism.

QUOTE: "Well, as the senator from Tennessee mentioned, evolution is a theory and it's exactly that. There is not enough evidence, consistent evidence to make it as fact, and I say that because for theory to become a fact, it needs to consistently have the same results after it goes through a series of tests. The tests that they put — that they use to support evolution do not have consistent results. Now too many people are blindly accepting evolution as fact. But when you get down to the hard evidence, it's merely a theory."

That's from Christine O'Donnell, stalwart citizen and conservative people's choice in Delaware, on one of her favourite subjects.
Likely she will demand the repeal of evolution once she's elected.
Which she will be, oh yes she will, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Not because the people of the Great State of Delaware are poltroons, or complete imbeciles, or just plumb bat-shit loony, but because in addition to all that, they really want to be entertained.
They're like regular Americans in that respect.

We Americans like our politicians to be rather amusing and not significantly smarter than ourselves. We'll vote for candidates who provide us with funny material, or 'can you BELIEVE he said that' moments. It explains Bush, Schwarzenegger, Gingrich.

People in Delaware resemble us greatly.

Except that they're willing to push the envelope much farther than we would.

They'll make Christine O'Donnell their senator. She's a chaste woman, a creationist, someone's daughter, and, in so many ways, representative of the people of Delaware.

NOTE: If you wish, you may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


jihadistically amphibious said...

The Senator from Delaware will move to repeal Gravity, since it's "only a Theory"...

e-kvetcher said...

Stole this from some website...

"If she is against masturbation, she is gonna HATE it in the Senate!"

The back of the hill said...

"If she is against masturbation, she is gonna HATE it in the Senate!"

That comment rocks.

Tzipporah said...

heh. Do you follow the Borowitz Report? My favorite from him on this:

"FUN GAME: Show up to Christine O'Donnell rally with sign reading, HANDS OFF OUR MASTURBATION"

Ari said...

She has also fulminated against humanoid brains being genetically bred in mice. She is nothing if not a crusader. And very alert.

Honest to a fault, too; she said that she would never lie to a Nazi trolling for Jews.

e-K and Tzippy - right on!

Anonymous said...

To be fair to the people of Deaware, she was only elected by the people who casted votes in the Republican Primary election. Let's wait and see what happens in November when all the voters can consider her.

Delaware might not be Berkeley, but it doesn't have at tradition of electing right-wing kooks.

e-kvetcher said...

-What else do we burn apart from witches?

More witches!!!

Ari said...

This just in: In a 1999 on Bill Maher's show Politically Incorrect, she admitted that she once "dabbled into witchcraft" and had a "midnight picnic on a satanic altar."

Yep, it's official.

pedantically amphibious said...

She "dabbled into"? Does she mean "dabbled in"? How does one "dabble into"?

Ari said...

I think she is refudiating her previous remarks.

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