Friday, July 23, 2010


For the last six months a number of Orthodox rabbis and educators have been preparing a statement of principles on the place of our brothers and sisters in our community who have a homosexual orientation.
---From the intro to 'Statement of Principles on the Place of Jews with a Homosexual Orientation in Our Community'

The full statement can be read here: SOPOTPOJWAHOIOC!

There are the usual codicillaries about heterosexual sex, and affirmations that from the point of view of halacha only marriage between a man and a woman provides a legitimate outlet for sexual urges.

What is truly admirable is that they encourage full participation by the homosexual orthodox Jew in the life of the community, and encourage him or her to remain a committed Jew in all other ways possible.

"Jews with a homosexual orientation or same sex attraction, even if they engage in same sex interactions, should be encouraged to fulfill mitzvot to the best of their ability. All Jews are challenged to fulfill mitzvot to the best of their ability ... "

"The question of whether sexual orientation is primarily genetic, or rather environmentally generated, is irrelevant to our obligation to treat human beings with same-sex attractions and orientations with dignity and respect."

Additionally, a person's sexual orientation is none of your damn' business:
"Jews struggling to live their lives in accordance with halakhic values need and deserve our support. Accordingly, we believe that the decision as to whether to be open about one's sexual orientation should be left to such individuals, who should consider their own needs and those of the community. We are opposed on ethical and moral grounds to both the “outing” of individuals who want to remain private and to coercing those who desire to be open about their orientation to keep it hidden."

I encourage you to read the statement, and to bring it to the attention of friends and family. Especially if there are members of your shul who STILL subscribe to the redder necked attitudes.

Please note: for future reference the entire text is also pasted on TOSOTL here: STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES ON THE PLACE OF JEWS WITH A HOMOSEXUAL ORIENTATION IN OUR COMMUNITY


feetxxxl said...

am i to understand that that the orthodox faith is led by belief systems sans any witness of the spirit of god in what he has created? witness being something apart from belief system because belief system is centered on "i"or "we" while witness of the spirit of god is centered on where the spirit of god rests.

feetxxxl said...

homosexuals have never been found lacking in any sector of society compared to heterosexuals. they are not less a father, friend, engineer, counselor, teacher, soldier, therapist, brother, neighbor, etc.

so where is there evidence of there being sin, violation of the spirit of god. is this solely sin out an interpetation without any evidence of any actual negative spirit.

or is it that you bolster up interpretation from statistics voiced by those who agree with your same bias.

doesnt it seem peculiar that it is heterosexual believers are condemning homosexual believers. what reasoning can validate that?

are saying that all things in the lives of homosexuals compared to heterosexuals are equal, except for their same sex attraction and the inability of procreation thru sex between the 2 pardners?

feetxxxl said...

its interesting that those who stand on homosexuality being a sin, voice their understandings then quickly retreat behind a wall of accusation,censorship, and unavailability. first the catholics, then the baptists, and now orthodox jews.

but the prophets took their understandings directly to open public discourse.

the truth needs no protection. it invites challenge and scrutiny

Anonymous said...

As if the military didn't have enough to laugh about::::
How long did "Military pilot::Male prostitute" masterbate and think about homosexuality? A year? "Into his 20s."
After he enlisted in the military? Into his flight training?

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