Thursday, July 29, 2010


Actually, not angst. There is NO angst, more like a lack thereof. A dearth or void of anything remotely 'angstig'. A baffling lack of angstigkeit entirely.
A disappointing insufficiency of angst.

You see, on a mailinglist that I thoughtlessly joined awhile back, it has been revealed that I am not Jewish.
This infuriated at least one individual - a kahanist and Eretz-Yisroel hashleimanik. Two weeks ago that person said "must I allow my ideals be bulldozed by his twisted sense of justice just because he's a gentile who comes out to rallies?".

[Given that you never come to rallies......, maybe yes?]


Golly, Batman, I had NO idea that common sense and reason were bulldozing your ideals.
What, pray tell, are those ideals?

"American values do not apply to Jews and Israel.
I honestly don't see the difference between someone on 'our' side demanding "justice" for Israel's Arab citizens and our opponents who essentially demand the same."

Well, there IS a fundamental difference, namely that the Arab citizen of Israel who obeys the law should be treated the same as any other citizen, the Jew who doesn't should be prosecuted as any other citizen.
Equal treatment, equal justice, and equal rights (very fundamental Jewish concepts, nota bene) - once you throw these out of the window, my dear Batman, you lose all claim to a moral high ground. American values do indeed apply to Jews and Israel - we aren't Europe, nor is Israel the Arab world.

Our opponents are demanding the destruction of Israel, more or less - what they chose to call it is immaterial, and mere propaganda in any case.
It certainly isn't 'justice'.

It would appear, however, that the fundamental flaw in my ability to see things from Batman's perspective is that I was "well taught in criticizing Torah from a Christian perspective".


I've been called everything from a baby-killing Jew-nazi to a kike racist and christkiller AND a rabid rightwing Christian fundamentalist.
My side has been characterized as everything from dictatorial rightwingers all the way through Stalinist leftwingers.
We are also violent Zionists, according to members of the other side.

All this in addition to being 'neurotic, dysfunctional, and delusional'.

"Well taught in criticizing Torah from a Christian perspective"

Now I'm a Christian Torah-critic. In addition to all that other good stuff.

Gosh darn it, folks, I'm wearing so many hats that my neck is crooked.
The only possible conclusion I can jump to is that I am an extremely talented and multi-facetted individual, just about filled with surprises. I'm so warm inside I could just kvell! No wonder I am entirely 'angst-free'!
As are we all.

Keep watching this site for more surprising revelations.


Ari said...

Ignore thoroughly. Rinse, repeat.
His anger is misplaced.

e-kvetcher said...

I wouldn't get involved with Zionists or any other kind of 'ists'.

Have you learned nothing from Russian history?

Though it sounds like the guy is an asshole.

The back of the hill said...

Well, it is worth my while - there's an audience out there which may realize that there are valid alternative approaches to rushing in and torching the village.
In any case, it helps me clarify my own points of view - the unexercised p.o.v. rigidifies and becomes immobile.

And actually, what has been described as "the secret inner circle" is composed of sane rational individuals. We screen for sanity and an ability to work for the cause, not against each other.

That particular list seems to be imploding in bile and venom. Some of the more recent e-mails take vitriol to new heights. Most amazing. Yes, I am still the be all and end all of what is wrong, wrong, wrong with Jews (apparently everyone so badly wants to play with Goyim that the bend over backwards for people like me), but, given that there are a number of "activists" with supersized egos on board, they decided to aim their flaming arrows at each other....... My ego is small enough that it's only a target if you look in my direction.

The back of the hill said...

We're just trying to get a coherent message across: "support for Israel, and a strong relationship with Israel, are both in America's interests and a good and noble thing." Why do some people who are on our side disagree with that message?

But they do. Screaming about the Israeli government playing nice with the Goyim by giving away parts of Israel to "those people" is what should be the main focus of our efforts. At all times.

I disagree - fighting anti-Israel politics, and anti-Semitism, is of much greater importance in the Bay Area. Part of that is arguing that Israel is largely justified in taking measures against terror (though that is at times be done in a remarkably bone-headed way), and that European and American 'politically correct' support for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and many of the other anti-Israel entities is evil, criminal, and destructive.

The back of the hill said...

We've tried presenting pro-Israelism as a sane and rational point of view - as opposed to the screams for blood and ethnocide that International ANSWER, Bay Area Women in Black, Queers Undermining Israeli Terror, the ISM, and Al Awda endorse.

Apparently that's the wrong tack.
I am amazed.
I had NO idea being a secular humanist was so repulsive.

And actually, I'm also ROTFLMAO!

The back of the hill said...


“that the bend” = that they bend
“at times be done” = at times being done
ROTFLMAO = ‘Rolling on the floor laughing my anarchist off’.

Tzipporah said...

"I had NO idea being a secular humanist was so repulsive."

Oh, you'd be surprised how many people that offends, on all sides.

Bad Goy, No Shiksa said...

So you are the be all and end all of what's wrong with the Jews. I had been wondering.

e-kvetcher said...

So based on the "Torah" comment, I'd guess Batman is religious?

The back of the hill said...

Tayere E-Kvetcher,

Not only religious, but veering darn close to sparks and husks ideology.
Plus also a literalist. She was livid that in a nod to the non-religious, the word Torah was not used in the mission statement.

"Keep your enlightenment chazerai that drove Germany to the Third Reich, and I will stick to Torah. "

That statement was in a ten-page rant sent to the entire group yesterday evening. It was the mildest and most intelligible thing in the rant.

The back of the hill said...


Batman runs a separate e-mail list. This is part of the mission statement:

"We are pro-Jewish, pro-Israel, pro-Torah.[CUT]"Worse than Jews for Jesus, Worse than Jews for Gurus, Worse than Jews for Marx, Jews for Nothing" (Rabbi Meir Kahane)[CUT]If you speak Russian, join our Russian-speaking Club ..... "

I got an invite to join that list. But I never took the plunge. My life would be very interesting now if I had, but I doubt the invite is still open.

The back of the hill said...

By the way, as of lunchtime West Coast Time, the vitriol list no longer exists. It went down in flames.

The first moderator, who was ousted in a coup d'etat, returned with moderation privileges restored, and saw no other choice but to erase the list. At present the evil which I and several actual 'al pi halacha' leite represent is being furiously discussed on yet another list.

I will not claim that I am farklempt. But please do imagine me with an expression on my face rather like Kermit the Frog after something strange happened.

Ari said...

They are the Jewish equivalent of Malcolm X's angry black man persona, where white people couldn't be trusted or respected. While there certainly was "cause" behind his worldview, it was not very pragmatic or pretty. Conversely, Martin Luther King's more ecumenical coalition was more balanced, better reasoned -- and ultimately successful.

Given Jewish history, Kahane Chai-niks certainly have reason to be parochial, but they are guided by rigid ideology and theocratic ideals. And given what you're reporting, they seem easily distracted by nonsense. So, try not take this individual too seriously. Nobody does.

The back of the hill said...

So, try not take this individual too seriously. Nobody does.

If she was of any use regarding street demonstrations - either showing up herself OR getting others to show up - she'd be worth taking seriously. But she's mostly a computer and armchair activist.

As it is, I was warned beforehand that she was 'not quite stable' (euphemism alert!), and in the scant month that the list existed, she managed to piss off several others. Before going completely berserk.

So, not taking her seriously. But I am missing her entertainment value.

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