Tuesday, June 02, 2009


The Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (BFUU) plans to host notorious hate-monger Gilad Atzmon. The event in question will a be a charity performance on behalf of the Free Gaza and International Solidarity Movements, co-sponsored by Bay Area Women in Black.

Gilad Atzmon: Themes from Palestine

Apparently the BFUU decided that sponsoring a person like Gilad Atzmon trumped all pretense at decency and responsibility.

A brief review of Gilad Atzmon's writings, while nauseating, is instructive.


Quote: "It is indeed pretty puzzling that the only people who managed to maintain and sustain a racially orientated, expansionist and genocidal national identity that is not at all different from Nazi ethnic ideology are the Jews "

A man who can write that is by no means neutral. Nor balanced.

Quote: "The Jews who had now managed to kill their God learned to believe in themselves."

No, he isn't voicing the ancient Christian anti-Semitic slur, despite what it looks like. He is instead asserting, I believe, that Jews are irreligious and cynical. And somehow not, or no longer, really Jewish.

[Source: http://www.gilad.co.uk/html%20files/thewanderingwho.html]


Quote: "I see the necessity to suggest that in spite of the liberal claim for peace seeking, liberal societies in general and the Anglo-American ones in particular are currently involved in crimes against humanity on a genocidal scale. "

I had heretofore not thought of Darfur as an Anglo-American liberal society. Nor Chechniya and Tibet.

In the same turgid article, he concludes: "I would argue as forcefully as I can that if the Palestinians are indeed the last victims of Hitler, then the holocaust and its meaning do belong to them more than anyone else."

Got that? Not to Jews. Not to Rwandans. Not to Cambodians. Not to Bosniaks and Kosovars. The holocaust belongs to a group that has continually insisted that it will drive the Jews into the ocean, and has praised mass-murderers and psychopaths.

Quote: "Bearing all that in mind, equating Gaza with Auschwitz is the right and only way forwards. Questioning the holocaust and its meaning is what liberation of humanity means today and in the near future. "

The comparison is obscene. Only someone who is devoid of all decency and balance could conceive of it.

[Source: http://www.gilad.co.uk/html%20files/the%20right%20to%20equate.html]


In one of his articles he calls the Israeli Government a "rabid right wing Zionist organization", and Israeli society 'clever, sinister, and calculating'.

One statement is particularly telling: "I assume that Jews, once left to themselves, happen to ask many questions they would avoid engaging in, in an open public discussion. ".
[Source: http://www.gilad.co.uk/html%20files/Sabrashatilaamnesia.html]

He assumes? Has he so put himself outside of normal human relationships that he has no way of knowing? What is this but an oblique accusation that Jews are secretive? And is that not precisely what some of his most anti-Semitic friends among the European left and the Arabs assert? Clearly, the company of apologists for torturers and terrorists is more gemütlich to Gilad Atzmon than that of decent people.

There is more, much more, on his website. He is not unshameless in trumpeting his faux intellectualism, and there is far too much of his spew to catalogue in what is meant to be a short, angry post. This is after all merely a personal opinion piece. And while Gilad Atzmon represents a foul intellectual pretentiousness, he is fairly transparent, and does not hide his loathsomeness.

All of his venom is proudly displayed here: http://www.gilad.co.uk/politiks.htm
The internet is full of his bloviating, by the way - you do not need me to guide you.

"I’m not going to say whether it is right or not to burn down a synagogue, I can see that it is a rational act."
-----Gilad Atzmon


What is truly reprehensible is that the Unitarian Universalists in Berkeley have jumped on the anti-Semitic bandwagon. Hosting Gilad Atzmon cannot be seen as anything else. Gilad Atzmon is opposed to the existence of Israel, in the same way as the Women in Black, in the same way as ISM, in the same way as so many groups in the Bay Area. It is an instinctive, culturally sanctioned, and utterly ideological hatred of Jews and of a predominantly Jewish state.
It represents a complete rejection of Jewish values, Jewish identity, and Jewish worth.

The Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, by hosting this event, prove themselves worthy heir to every tyrant and depraved ideologue in the pantheon.
It was probably too much to ask that they take a stand against socially approved politically correct bigotry - it would be so very un-Berkeley and far too decisive.
One just can not expect that of them.


Meeting address: 1924 Cedar Street (at Bonita Avenue), Berkeley
Office and Mailing address: 1606 Bonita Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709-2022 (open 11-5 M-F)
phone: 510-841-4824 * e-mail: office bfuu.org * internet: http://www.bfuu.org/ - http://www2.blogger.com/www.bfuu.org

If you decide, AGAINST your better judgment, to write or telephone them, please be gentle and courteous. You represent all that is decent and noble, and while the other side cannot possibly ever understand any of that, they will be quick to pick up on an abrasive quality to your discourse, and reject everything else you say in consequence. Do not insult them, do not raise your voice. They are simple people, and many of them are old.
And they do so strive to fit in with the general comforting hatefulness of Berkeley. They cannot help themselves.


An article on Bluetruth also discusses Gilad Atzmon:

Quote: "Atzmon has come up with ( ) gems such as “American Jews do try to control the world, by proxy” ; “There is no such thing as anti-Semitism”; and“Why is it that the Jews who repeatedly demand that the Christian world should apologize for its involvement in previous persecutions, have never thought that it is about time that they apologized for killing Jesus?” He also is a strong supporter of the Swedish fascist who goes by the pen name of Israel Shamir. Shamir has written that “we need the voices of David Duke…and Pat Buchanan”, and has claimed that Jews have indeed slaughtered Christian children for their blood"

Regarding Israel Shamir: "even extremist Israel-haters such as Ali Abuminah, Sue Blackwell and Jeff Halper dissociate themselves from him in their embarrassment at sharing the same agenda. But Atzmon consistently defends Shamir and calls him "a unique and advanced thinker"."

Truly Gilad Atzmon and the BFUU represent Berkeley values.


Ari said...

Re-arrange the letters in "Gilad" and you get "glida," Hebrew for ice cream. Of the runny, nutty variety, I would maintain. As for his last name "Atzmon," it smacks of selfishness. Useful idiot?

The back of the hill said...


Gilad Atzmon is by no possible definition a useful idiot. He must be considered a convinced, and severely twisted, collaborator. A more classic example of a traitor to his own side cannot be imagined. His utterances and writings make clear that he applauds the excesses of the other side - murder, bombings, arson - all meet his approval. Gilad Atzmon is as close to being a neo-Nazi as someone of Jewish background can possibly be. And the Berkeley Unitarians support that. As has been amde clear by their refusal to cancel the event after it was pointed out to them what a thoroughly toxic individual Gilad Atzmon is. They find his points of view not only tolerable, but subject to interpretation and further examination.

BFUU claims to be above the conflict. By hosting Gilad Atzmon, they show themselves far otherwise. And they claim that the concert is not suitable for an examination of his politics - despite the entire reason for the concert being political ab initio.

Anonymous said...

A holocaust-denying Jew-hating neo-Nazi Joo? My my, it don't get any better than that!

The back of the hill said...

Indeed, it doesn't.

Also see this article:

They hate Zionism, but Holocaust Deniers are OK
The article above was written last week. Since then, the BFUU has heard arguments against sponsoring the Gilad Atzmon carnival. They have listened, however, to arguments in favour of the event. And apparently decided that it meets all their requirements.

Which is very Berkeley of them.

Anonymous said...

The Unitarians guiding principle is

Let love be the spirit of this congregation
And service its goal.
This is our living covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
to seek the truths in life,
and to help one another.

Can someone please explain to me how sponsoring a holocaust denier and racist is keeping with that goal?

The back of the hill said...


Clickably: Gilad Atzmon coming to Bay Area!Two appearances:

Sunday, JUNE 7 7:00PM
First Presbyterian Church, 1140 Copwer, Palo Alto.


Monday, JUNE 8 7:00PM
BFUU Hall, 1924 Cedar at Bonita, Berkeley (Berkeley or North Berkeley BART)

Sponsored by BFUU Social Justice Committee
Co-sponsored by Bay Area Women in Black

For more info: 510-236-5338

The back of the hill said...

“Gilad Atzmon, the expat Israeli saxophonist/ clarinetist,
combines thrilling jazz musicianship with a maverick
political intelligence” - Guardian
“One of the finest alto players” - BBC Music Magazine
Gilad Atzmon is fearless, both on the jazz
saxophone and in defense of human rights in
Palestine. The renowned expat Israeli musician,
composer, educator and writer will be accompanied
on the piano by Daniel Renaud.
Sunday, JUNE 7, 7:00PM
First Presbyterian Church, 1140 Cowper, Palo Alto
$20 admission, no one turned away for lack of funds
Monday, JUNE 8, 7:00PM
BFUU Hall, 1924 Cedar at Bonita, Berkeley
(Berkeley or North Berkeley BART)
$20 admission, no one turned away for lack of funds
Sponsored by BFUU Social Justice Committee
Co-sponsored by Bay Area Women in Black


Expat Israeli? Funny, this is a man who prefers not to be identified with Israel or the Jews. Except, obviously, when it is suits his purpose.
You've heard of 'Jew of Convenience' (a person whose Jewishness ONLY crops up when it is politically convenient to have ahouse Jew), well, here's an 'Israeliof Convenience'. I wonder how often his Israeliness gets mentioned in an venomously anti-Israel or anti-Semitic context.

Anonymous said...


phone: 510-841-4824
e-mail: office@ bfuu.org
1924 Cedar , Berkeley

Fuzz Bert Fan Club said...

Gilad Atzmon and the BFUU are icky!

Icky icky icky!!!!!


Alfy and Aethy

Anonymous said...

UU's are a smug bunch, the ones at BFUU especially so.

LanceThruster said...

Gilad Atzmon is a mensch. I just wish I could be there to see him in person. I hope he makes it to SoCal at some point.

The back of the hill said...

Gilad Atzmon is a mensch. I just wish I could be there to see him in person. I hope he makes it to SoCal at some point.

Dos iz a mentsh?!?!? Dos?!?!?!? Feh! Tayere reb Thruster, ir seyt a nebbish on chchemes bechol, un' der Atzmoner iz a gonevishe momzer.
Welcome back, by the way.

The back of the hill said...

And here is something from an allied site:
[begin quote]
I'm not sure what is unconvincing about the following statements that iterate classic anti-Semitic tropes:

"Throughout the centuries, Jewish bankers bought for themselves some real reputations of backers and financers of wars [2] and even one communist revolution [3]. Though rich Jews had been happily financing wars using their assets, Alan Greenspan, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the United States, found a far more sophisticated way to finance the wars perpetrated by his ideological brothers Libby and Wolfowitz."

Source: http://palestinethinktank dot com/2008/09/30/gilad-atzmon-credit-crunch-or-rather-zio-punch/ (note: to avoid linking to some of these sites, I have replaced "."with "dot")

Another Jews-run-the-government line, this one from his own website www dot gilad.co.uk/html%20files/onanti.html :

" The 'Elders of Zion' syndrome: Zionists complain that Jews continue to be associated with a conspiracy to rule the world via political lobbies, media and money. Is the suggestion of conspiracy really an empty accusation?
The following list is presented with pride in several Jewish American websites.
Jews in Bush's Administration (a list of some 30 names follows…)
Let me assure you, in Clinton's administration the situation was even worse. Even though the Jews only make up 1.9 per cent of the country's population, an astounding 56 per cent of Clinton's appointees were Jews. A coincidence? I don't think so."

[end quote]

Rather strange for a reputed mensh, no?
Perhaps y'all need to adjust your definition of what makes a mensh. Gilad Atzmon is clearly a chozer, un wimmelt in drek.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

I likewisely have wighed in with my considered opinion:


As have Alfy and Aethy:


We are all on board, on the same page, and in the same pants.

Except for Snooky, who doens't read her e-mail.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Lance Thruster?

You a famous porn star, boy? What movies? And do I need to avoid them by reason of gaiety, or are they clean and hetero?

---Grant Famouspornocollector

GRANT!PATEL! said...

The more one finds out about Gilad Atzmon, the more repulsive his weltanschaung and his person become. A faux intellectual poseur pimping himself to the fashionably anti-Semitic segment of the "intelligentsia", and conceivably someone with a nasty sexual interest in young Arabs. Or worse. Feh. And faw!

As Snooky might say, "ick!"

---Grant Standing


Now let me shamelessly pander MY take in this!


And thanks for reading it over and making suggestions, Atboth! You will note that I utilized some of them in the text. Specifically the identifying of the tropes.

Grant's post on the same subject was very amusing. Nice to see that he calls himself a professional pervert, and asserts expertise because of it.


You a famous porn star, boy? What movies? And do I need to avoid them by reason of gaiety, or are they clean and hetero?

Grantipoo, you do delight in proving how utterly sex-obsessed you are, don't you? Frustrated much?

Hee hee hee!


Dear, dear Grantipoo! There are few indeed who are quite so perverted.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

I must note that Snooky wrote a killer article:

Lovely quote: "Gilad Atzmon is a hate filled apologist for brigands and tyrants, and a classic example of the stereotype of ersatz "revolutionary" thinker with a lubricious fondness for third-world thugs."

She is too young to understand entirely what creeps such as Gilad Atzmon actually DO with their thugbutt gangsta pals, however. It does not bear the light of day.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

And thanks for reading it over and making suggestions, Atboth! You will note that I utilized some of them in the text. Specifically the identifying of the tropes.

Whatttt!!!?!?! You helped her!?!? I too need help! You could have assisted me in writing a most scholarly and perverse legal point of view! You cad!

---Grant Parklempet

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Grantipoo, you do delight in proving how utterly sex-obsessed you are, don't you? Frustrated much?

Heavens above furfiend us! I am NOT like Gilad Atzmon! I have redeeming qualities! Indeed! He has none! He does things with gross lefties, Berkeleyites, and camelwhackers!

I ... merely have a fondness for panties.

Yours, to be precise. It is an intellectual conceit.

Here, Snooky wooki, heeeeere, Snooky wooki. Silk!!!!!

----Greatly Perambulated

Anonymous said...

I suddenly have an urge to bitch slap Richard Becker.

Anonymous said...

Tell him you'll make a contribution to ANSWER if he lets you bitch slap him. I bet he'll go for it. These rallies are expensive, after all.

Dancing Hamster said...

The anonymi are gathering in defense of Gilad Atzmon underneath a post on Grant Patel's blog. Here:


The BFUU is running scared- they are now desperately asserting that they have nothing to do with this other than renting space to the women in black - this despite their previous assertion of co-sponsorship.

This could be a monumental embarassment to the Berkeley Firs Untitarian Universalists. Who really wants to be associated with a rabid holocaust denier, anti-semite, terrorist supporting, apologist for neo-Nazis?

ESPECIALLY if he is actually a mediocre musician?

Dancing Hamster said...

Also note that the BFUU's Social Justice Committee has previously co-sponsored events with the International Solidarity Movement, which has aided and abetted Hamas and Hezbollah and by supplying Hamas' run charities has enabled them to devote more of their efforts towards building rockets for Sderot. Likewise, the aid given to Hezbollah has allowed Hezbollah to further build their extremist infrastructure in Southern Lebanon, embedding their troops and batteries among civilians, and expelling dissidents and Christians, when not imprisoning or killing them.

The BFUU, through their Social Justice Committee, are establishing a track record of extremism.

Dancing Hamster said...

Gilad Atzmon's anti-semitic statements:

"There is no such thing as anti-Semitism."

"Why is it that the Jews who repeatedly demand that the Christian world should apologize for its involvement in previous persecutions, have never thought that it is about time that they apologized for killing Jesus?"

"The Jews who had now managed to kill their God learned to believe in themselves."

"we need the voices of David Duke…and Pat Buchanan."

"Throughout the centuries, Jewish bankers bought for themselves some real reputations of backers and financers of wars and even one communist revolution."

"The only people who managed to maintain and sustain a racially orientated, expansionist and genocidal national identity that is not at all different from Nazi ethnic ideology are the Jews."

"American Jews do try to control the world, by proxy."

"How is that America let its foreign policy be shaped by ruthless Zionists?"

Gilad Atzmon regarding the holocaust:

"Bearing all that in mind, equating Gaza with Auschwitz is the right and only way forwards. Questioning the holocaust and its meaning is what liberation of humanity means today and in the near future. "

"If the Palestinians are indeed the last victims of Hitler, then the holocaust and its meaning do belong to them more than anyone else."

And lastly, Gilad Atzmon rationalizing arson:

"I’m not going to say whether it is right or not to burn down a synagogue, I can see that it is a rational act."

All this endorsed by the sponsorship of people within the BFUU who are on the same page as Bay Area Women in Black and the ISM.

I wonder who intends to pay money to listen to his performance tonight? What kind of person would attend such an event?

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