Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Dutch provocateur and parliamentarian Geert Wilders will be releasing his anti-Quran film at a press-conference in the Hague on March 28.
Unless the television stations do actually decide to broadcast it, or the press-centre (Nieuwpoort) backs out of being the 'host' to that event.

I'm dying to see it, read about rabid reactions, and spew my gall towards the Muslim-world on my blog.

Geert cannot back down now. He has nothing to loose - the fatwa calling for his assassination, from a year or two ago, is still in force, the most recent fatwa merely adds to that, and there have been plots to kill him for years. If he backed down, he would be in no less danger than he is now.

For those who wish to view the movie, it will be available soon at this site:
At the moment, there is merely a 'coming soon' notice there.

Meanwhile, I am disgusted at the Dutch government.

Instead of unsubtly trying to put pressure on Geert Wilders out of fear of what the Muslims might do, and apologizing in advance to the Islamic world and whimpering that he does not represent them or the Dutch attitude towards Islam, they should've told the Muslim world in no uncertain terms that any and all anti-Dutch actions because of that film would be held against the governments and religious authorities of those countries, that damage would be recouped from those governments and religious authorities, and that dead Dutchmen would inevitably have to mean open trials, and appropriate penalties, or else legal measures would be taken to recoup bloodmoney from companies in those nations doing business elsewhere as well as assets held abroad by those governments, organizations, and individuals.

It would also have been appropriate to remind the Muslims that they have relatives in the Netherlands, many of whom are very much beholden to the generosity of Dutch taxpayers - generosity that might soon be questioned, along with foreign aid contributions to such stinking hell-holes as the Sudan, Afghanistan, Banglabuggerydesh, and Indonesia.

The Turks in particular, as well as the Moroccans, should also be reminded that their relations with the EU might be held hostage for years to come by even so small a country as the Netherlands.

Dammit, I hope the current Dutch government falls and this bunch of quislings and panderers are voted out!



Apparently there have been more protests in Afghanistan, with the predictable burning of Dutch and Danish flags.
[Careful boys, those might be the only bedsheets you can afford this year. You could also have simply eaten them (with lots of beano - you know why). ]

The Pakistanis have also complained to the Dutch government about the movie, and are bringing it up at the next conference of failed states and gangster regimes - the matter has been placed at the top of the agenda at next week's summit of the Organization of Islamic Conference in Senegal.
[Brothers, they only listen to you lot because everything sounds so much more funny with those goofy accents. Especially when you hop up and down shaking your paws and throwing your furry little fits. For craps' sake, just don't lose control of your bowels. ]

Iran is also upset. Perhaps they should change the national diet over there, as they seem to have dyspepsia at a near-constant level.
[Kaopectate and lots of bumwad, fast! But wait, who cares? You're over there, and we aren't. So go ahead, have some more shurbat-adas! You weren't planning to sleep with your wife tonight anyway, were you?]

The Egyptians are also angry.
[Not surprising - when none of you lot does any work, and everybody sits around waiting for the next foreign tourist to rob (when you're not actually shooting bus loads of them), there is plenty of free time to develop gastric upset and Cairo-tummy over imagined slights. As if mlookhiya and elbisara weren't enough. ]

There have been rumblings of anti-Dutch peeve from other corners of the Muslim world. Those people have nothing better to do.
[Don't you have sisters you could violate, or cans of ham you could shoot? Danish butter to boycott? Horrid sportscoats with extremely wide lapels to mend? Fezzes to send off to the shop for re-steaming? Variations on beandip to invent? Ulcers? ]

Better you lot should spend some time on fond reminiscences of the slaughter of Theo van Gogh or chanting praise-songs for Mouhammad Bouyeri. Good accompaniment to two days old foul m'dammes.

Don't fuss about us, boys, we don't care beans about you.


This post is dedicated to Aboudjahid in Germany, who recently sent me a vituperative screed in reaction to some previous posts. I believe he might have threatened me, but as his Dutch was frightful, and rather more than average illiterate, it is hard to tell. He may have simply done a cut-and-paste from hate-sites such as

I will assume that in addition to being his mother's pet (as the youngest and dumbest of the litter), and fairly 'special' besides, he probably cannot find the San Francisco Bay Area on a map of Europe, and cannot steal enough money to assay a train-trip over here.
But I do wish he would write more - I enjoyed reading about his tantrum. Or was it indigestion? He probably ate elbisara recently. Lay off of the fat-tail-sheep grease and filfil, ya akhee. It really turns that beanlard-mulch into an offensive weapon.


Anonymous said...

Wilders Movie Website, Network Solutions, Is Caving Into Radical Islam.

Muslims Against Sharia neither endorse nor condemn "Fitna"; we have not seen the film. However, we find it disturbing that Network Solution suspended "Fitna" website while hosting a multitude of radical Islamic websites, some of which belong to (or are closely affiliated with) terrorist groups.

Abdul said...

All that mention of food! Man-o-man!

Post recipes, please!

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