Monday, March 31, 2008


Courtesy of Treppenwitz ( and some guy in Britain, I have listened to an eloquent Englishman making some boffo points about the archbishop.

I shan't summarize them. Just take the time to visit his blog and find the clip yourself.

I will, however, tell you a little story.


"Once upon a time there were three little XXXXXX -fat-tailed sheep. Who after moving out of their mother's house decided to build their own houses. The first little XXXXXX -fat-tailed sheep built his out of straw. The second little XXXXXX -fat-tailed sheep built his out of wood. And the third built his out of bricks and mortar. Along came a big bad wolf, who stood outside the first little XXXXXX -fat-tailed sheep's house demanding to be let in. The little XXXXXX -fat-tailed sheep refused, so the wolf huffed and puffed as he had promised to do, and blew the house in, and ate the little XXXXXX -fat-tailed sheep's tofu.
Then the wolf visited the second little XXXXXX -fat-tailed sheep. Same end-result. Then he stopped by the third little XXXXXX -fat-tailed sheep's house. The little XXXXXX -fat-tailed sheep, in his house of brick and mortar, told him to go piss up a rope. So the wolf came down the chimney instead, fell head-first into the little XXXXXX -fat-tailed sheep's roaring fire, and was burned to a crisp.

Following the wolf's martyrdom, thousands of his supporters staged an angry protest in Gaza."

Okay, I added that last little bit.

For the rest, it hews faithfully to the non-offending halal version of the story. And the bit about Gaza is neutral, no judgement pro or con anything. Just a note of contemporary culture, do with it what you wish.

Please don't throw your poo at me.


Tzipporah said...

What makes you think that fat-tailed sheep are inoffensive?

There they go, wagging their fatty little tails behind them, just begging to be killed and have their fat harvested for our cooking. Does it bother THEM that such fats are contributing to obesity, heart disease, and the decline of Cheetos consumption? Of course not, selfish little things.

I am highly offended.

Watch out for poo.

The back of the hill said...

Okay, how about this: "Once upon a time there were these three silky white squares of tofu, who each built their own house. Then the big bad vegetarian knocked on the door of the first silky white square of tofu's house....."

Oh wait. That too is discriminatory.

It suggests that tofu's sole purpose in life is to serve as food (rather than developing their talents and becoming grounded individuals), and that vegetarians are exploitative. Bad! Bad! Bad!

"Once upon a time there were these three practicioners of yoga, who were visited by a tuba player..."

Oh crap, somebody is still gonna fling poo at me!

Anonymous said...


Regarding which:

Or also:

Dos text:

Be warned holy land of the hi definition - go out and erase this toeivah!

Oy Vey, the toeivah is here
He said Oy Vey
now the detail's so clear
YES brought HD
Groise Tate (Father in heaven) please help
It's a "broch" this HD on YES

Gevald it's Sedom and Gemorah
HDTV it's against the torah
HDTV oy voi voi voi
Now the shikses look well
you will all go to hell
Or in Hebrew Yishmor HoKel (g-d save us)

'Cause the HD is now on YES

Azoy it is written.

bernie said...

There is no story, no joke, no scientific fact that will not offend someone, somewhere.

Even a collection of random letters will offend someone. For example, if you take the word "Muslim" and you rearrange and add a couple of letters you get: "F*ck off you rag-headed, sandal-wearing, flea-infested camel-humper."

The back of the hill said...

Hey, some of my friends are rag-headed, sandal-wearing..... !

Well, actually, not quite. In the case of the actual Muslims whom I know, the rearranged letters spell "snide and sarcastic free-thinkers who have no intention of ever going back to Gaza / Pakistan / Iran because they enjoy freedom too much".

Others, whom I avoid as much as possible, should go back. They and we would be much happier if they did, and no doubt so would their camels.

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