Tuesday, March 18, 2008


As part of the SF Bay Area's contribution to protesting the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, I wish to inform y'all of one particular action planned for tomorrow.

Nudes for peace:
March 19,
Nudes4peace will gather at 4:30 pm, in United Nations Plaza, San Francisco; near the equestrian statue (Simon Bolivar on his horse).

As Dildo Bob often yells at people in the bar: GIT NEKKID!

Seeing as most of the people in Nudes for Peace are significantly beyond retirement age, this is one place where any of us can truly make a difference. By sheer dilution of the ghast-factor.

Not that I have any intention of doing so.

I shall be both dressed and entertained.

My idea of entertainment at times involves either nose-wrinkling or schadenfreude.

And this qualifies as far more edumacalacational than anything else the peace movement is planning.

PS.I: Scrotal-inflation guy will be there. So bring your family, they've never seen anything like it. Tell them it’s a cultural experience. A San Francisco treat.

PS.II: If the nudists pour baby-oil over themselves, they will be much harder to arrest.

PS. III: Peace is manifestly not a pretty sight.


Anonymous said...

How do the theocratic Hamas supporters and their veiled women get along with the naked protesters? Any fatwas yet?


Anonymous said...

Apparently ANSWER asked that people come fully clothed. How dare they try and impose their puritanical morality on others!!!!

Nice photo of scrotum-guy:

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