Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Sometimes I come up with ideas of such astounding brilliance I am utterly surprised no one has thought of them before.

Often these are ideas for products which would sell like cupcakes. And make me very rich.

One such idea is for a product aimed at the teenage girl market. And you, dear reader, can have it for free - just make sure you do something with it.

Coming soon to the toy-aisle at a store near you...

The Little Miss Mayhem™ Junior Chainsaw
With neat-o accessories

Suitable for ages 8 through 12.

It's empowering. And it speaks to the little woman within, the little woman who has not yet fully explored all the options available to her. Plus it appeals to the fiercely independent streak of today's young woman: punky, pugnacious, yet soft and vulnerable.

Someone's vulnerable, at any rate.

As recommended by child-psychologists, it is also adaptable to role-playing games.

She can be a lumberjack......
Or a Texan madman.
Her choice.
It's a voyage of personal discovery.

I expect to see this product on store shelves by the time next Christmas rolls around. With all the accessories. Appliqué butterflies to personalize it. Rhinestones. A little pink Hello Kitty carrying case.
Stain-resistant, and headless, Hello Kitty.

There should also be a fan-magazine, of course. With letters from sweet little girlies who own a chainsaw.
You may submit your testimonial in the comment section provided. Just click.
This post is dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Bruzelius, who any moment now will be the parents of a daughter. Point her to this post as soon as she is able to read, you two.


Tzipporah said...

Oh my. I know so many little sweeties I should buy this for. 2 and 3 year olds, in particular.

maybe if you can link it to Dora the Explorer it will take off. I hear she's HUGE with that market. ;)

The Big Little Tommy said...

It sounds like a winner to me! I love the stickers idea!

Anonymous said...

Hello Kitty?

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