Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Network Solutions has taken down the notice "Fitna - the movie: coming soon" (http://fitnathemovie.com/), which was the internet parking spot for Geert Wilders' polemic fifteen minute film about the Quran (to be released before the end of March).

Network Solutions has so far,not given any reason other than that they are "investigating whether the site's content is in violation of Network Solutions Acceptable Use Policy".
Network Solutions states that they have received complaints about the site. As I'm sure they have. And clearly they have surrendered to those complaints.

What kind of complaints did they receive?

Probably not polite rational letters with well-thought out arguments. More likely screaming threats of death, annihilation, plagues, and religious war. Plus official guarantees that they might lose business in certain parts of the world....... And be burned in effigy.

See how easy that was?

This is rather reminiscent of Yahoo collaborating with the government of the People's Republic of China.......

Law abiding citizens cannot pressure corporations. But radicals, dictators, and brutal regimes do it with ease. Network Solutions has proven that profit outranks principle.
There is no money in free speech.

Network Solutions
Roy Dunbar, CEO
10 Azalea Drive
Drums, PA 18222

Do please feel free to contact Mr. Dunbar. Just remember that if you aren't a jihadi or a cleric, he may not take you seriously. As a private individual you probably do not count for much. And please note that this is just an opinion - an opinion based on what I perceive to be craven corporate behaviour.

But nevertheless. An opinion.

I have absolutely no basis for believing that Mr. Roy Dunbar is not a complete gentleman in his private life, treating his family and possible liaisons with anything less than love, courtesy, and devoted consideration. Assuming that there are people that close to him.
Other than shareholders and jihadis.


Anonymous said...

Dutch politician Geert Wilders finally put his anti-koran movie on the internet this evening:

http://www.liveleak .com/view? i=7d9_1206624103

Anonymous said...

Dutch politician Geert Wilders finally put his anti-koran movie on the internet this evening:

http://www.liveleak .com/view? i=7d9_1206624103

Anonymous said...

Dutch politician Geert Wilders finally put his anti-koran movie on the internet this evening:

http://www.liveleak .com/view? i=7d9_1206624103

Anonymous said...

sorry. once would have been sufficient

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