Monday, February 11, 2008


Or maybe I'm in Dutch with the right-thinking list-administrators.
Even, perish the thought, on 'fully moderated status'. Which is not unlikely - I've managed to irritate quite a number of right-thinking members by taking the side of Israel. Not exactly a popular position in the Dutch-speaking world. Most right-thinking Dutch-speakers believe that Israel is a horrid, rotten little country inhabited by religious fanatics who obsessively wish to exterminate all those peacefull leftwing secularists, the Palestinians.
Around three-quarters of the Dutch believe this.
The figure is even more skewed in favour of 'furry Palestinian dolphins who must be saved' among the younger crowd - their piles bleed monumentally for the poor oppressed little Palestinian puppies, big time!
And cute fuzzy-wuzzy Palestinian bunny-wabbits.
And widdle Pally duckie-wuckies.

The Dutch may be right-thinking (and they certainly believe that they are), but they are not entirely attached to reality.

In short, an e-mail I sent to the list did not get to the rest of the members.
I think it got yanked. Too divisive. Happens a lot.

So I'll post it below.

Some of it is in Dutch, most of it is in English.

Beste luitjes,

Omdat het hoogst onwaarschijnlijk is dat de racistische pers in Nederland dit ooit aan het publiek daar te lees zal geven, en daar het toch door het ANP bestempeld zal zijn als "gerechtvaardigd (die lui hebben het verdiend) stuur ik het maar hier door.

Boy Loses Leg, Brother Wounded in Sderot Kassam Attack

By Hana Levi Julian and Gil Ronen

An eight-year-old boy and his 19-year-old brother were seriously wounded Saturday evening in a Kassam rocket attack on Sderot. The barrage sent 11 people into emotional shock in addition to the casualties.

Both boys were wounded in the lower limbs and were rushed into surgery after they were evacuated by Magen David Adom paramedics to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. The youngster reportedly lost part of his leg in the blast, according to media sources. His older brother suffered shrapnel wounds as well. The boys' 15-year-old brother and their mother were also sent to the hospital to be treated for emotional shock.

The family was running for cover when one of the enemy rockets landed about two meters from them. Another rocket landed close to a residential building.

A total of five rockets were fired, three of which exploded in the center of Sderot. The other two slammed into areas just outside the city. Terrorists from Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Ter verduidelijking:
Acht jaar oud jochie verliest deel van been door een raket afgevuurd door Palestijnen.
Sderot is in Israel - achter de 1948 grens - zelfs het merendeel van de Palestijnen geeft er geen klap om, en eist het niet op. Het is geen legitiem doelwit, tenzij men of 'n terrorist of 'n Europeesche Palestina supporteur is.
Wedde dus dat die venijnskoe Anja Meulenbelt deze raketaanval, zoals alle vorigen, aplaudiseert. Want een kleuter is, mits Joods, iemand die het grondig verdiend heeft. Ik weet dat sommigen van ulieden, waarschijnlijk een overgroot merendeel, het met haar eens zijn.

Gelieve dit door te sturen aan voormalig lijstlid mejufrouw Ghanie. Het zal haar verheugen, en wellicht een prettige week bezorgen.

Met groeten (peace and love, bitches, peace and love),


The news report quoted above will never be printed in a Dutch newspaper. For one thing, it casts the Palestinians in an unfavourable light - not a wise thing for the commercial press to do in a country that denies its own anti-Semitism and long history of support for extremist causes. For another, studied neutrality is the dominant Dutch ideology. Which means that Israeli military superiority must necessarily mean that Israel is the aggressor, as otherwise the Palestinians would seem to be terrorists and insane.
Which they're not; they're fluffy little dolphins.

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