Wednesday, February 06, 2008


A little Tamarao linguistic note.
[And please also note a new label underneath: Tamarao. All posts that have a Tamarao content or connection are so affixed (the very first one mentioning Tunolo, more than two years ago. This label awaits your happy finger. Click.]

Ngateron, Ngatren = The flesh-vehicle of another entity, the corporeality in which a spirit manifests itself. Avatar, incarnation.
Pang-ngatren, Mang-ngatren = One who avails himself of such a vehicle, often by possessing another. The magician who has a familiar or 'replacement' paying attention elsewhere.
Sang-ngatren = A divine or supernatural entity that manifests itself physically through a host. Not all spirits that possess a person (victim, medium, or willing vessel) are praefixed 'sang' - this is an appellation of some respect.
Mangatren = Temporarily abstracted, thinking elsewhere. Absent of mind.

These words are related to Ngaturo (ship's pilot, steersman, and hence driver of a vehicle), Turo (to direct, point, indicate), Turon/Turonan (tradition of leadership derived from the past), and Taron (descent group, ancestral line).

Note in connection thereto: Kibong ngaturo = Steering Committee.


Tzipporah said...


Tamarao's regularity reminds me of Arabic - the root, the one who does the root, the place where it is done, the one to whom it is done, etc.

Turuman said...

Related to Dayak? Tarakanese.

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