Thursday, February 28, 2008


Probably way too much coffee so early in the morning, but.....

What with Sudanese and Paki protests against Denmark, the Taliban threatening to "get" the Dutch because of Geert Wilders' as yet unfinished and unshown film, an Egyptian children's international film festival rejecting Dutch entries because of Geert Wilders, Hamas television spouting murderous drivel against the Danes specifically and everyone else in general, Pakistan hijacking youtube out of fear that someone might see the (as yet unfinished and unshown) Geert Wilders anti-Quran film, anonymous death-threats to Dutch institutions overseas...... and, not least, the cowardly sniveling attitude of several mainstream Dutch politicians and public figures....... Plus the intemperate statements by certain Muslim public figures who live in Europe.......

I just might make a sign saying "Geert Wilders is right - you lot ARE assholes". Perhaps as a talk-balloon coming out the mouth of a prophet-cartoon. Or, if I regain some of my sanity before then, superimposed on a Dutch flag.
As part of a counterprotest to the extremist fringe and Muslim whackjobs during their planned demonstrations on March 19th. here in SF.



PS. I: My tolerance for my Islamic fellow citizens is falling to an all-time low...... Must try to remember that they're not all like that, not all of them are stark-raving loopy, many are actually fine people, some of them are saner than myself........ this is hard.

PS. II: Normally I'm not pleased with the Dutch, being in a near-permanent state of fury at them and their idiotic opinions. But presently I am very appreciative of the snarky Bronx-cheering coming from the Dutch peanut-gallery in the face of all the bluster and outrage from, among others, Pakistanis (a pox upon them), Pallies (may they be eternally despised), Sudanese (starve naked in the heat, you morons), Egyptians (may you all die of the clap you got from your sisters, you effete swine), and other fervent Islamic types (stop honouring that child-molesting pig, you dunderheads). Betcha the Malays (pirates, rapists, degenerates, and syphilitics) and the Saudis (overdressed, overfed, overindulged, and given to humping camels) and the Iranians (largely unwashed and depraved devil-worshippers) are going to weigh in too. So screw them and their sensitivities, and a plague upon all of them, their primitive retro-grade cults, and their leaders. Bugger the lot, and the camels they rode in on.

PS. III: I have not mentioned the Turks and Moroccans yet....... I am counting on them to keep quiet, seeing as far too many of them live in the Netherlands and Flanders (as is proven by the crime statistics), and many more live off of Tourism. I'm sure they'll understand.......

PS. IV: Feel the love, baby, feel the love.

1 comment:

Tzipporah said...

ha. Just googled Geert Wilders to find out what all the fuss is about. The wikipedia picture of him makes him look like something out of a Christopher Guest movie. Actually, Dutch politics would probably make a great Christopher Guest movie.

While I can't agree that he's right (on anything), I must admit to snorting tea all over my monitor at your horribly offensive (and funny) characterizations of his various enemies. :)

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