Monday, February 11, 2008


Tzipporah has cursed me with a meme. The "I can" meme. I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to boast, or admit to odd talents. It is an odd meme, and I do not quite understand it. But I think I have to complete the list, drop-of-hat-wise, in fifteen minutes. That seems to be the thing.
[Note: Tzipporah: She says she obsesses about some things far too long. As one of the things she can do. What, pray tell, is wrong with obsession?]

What can I do?

I can read Chinese.
I can cook Indonesian food.
I can insult people in fluent literate Dutch.
I can speak bits and pieces of various languages, some well, some badly.
I can talk for hours on end. Or so I've heard.

I can't dance.
I can't sing.
I can't stomach chitlins.
I can't smoke pot.
I can't stand Fox News.

I haven't tried cocaine.
I haven't joined a gym.
I haven't smoked a Havana in ages.
I haven't a clue how to play football.
I haven't drunk bad beer in two decades.

I will not go to the dentist if I can help it.
I will not sign internet petitions.
I will not sing karaoke (unless I'm toasted).
I will not tolerate cherry-flavoured pipe-tobacco.
I will not add anymore specifics to this list.

I suppose I should infect someone with this meme, shouldn't I?
The question is, would they do it? Would they actually list what they can do? Or cannot, will not, would not, should not?
Or would they not?

Let's do it differently this time. If you decide to do this meme on your own, just let me know. You can mention it in the comments. If you have NO intention of doing it, also feel free to wax lyrical ... in the comments. You have until February twenty-fifth (I'll be on vacation from the thirteenth till the 25th., and probably won't be paying any serious attention, being obsessed with food, and finding a place to smoke a pipe in Vancouver, in the meantime).

Oh, and after tomorrow there will be no posts here for a while. So make the most of those comments.


e-kvetcher said...

I can find a manga-style bible on the internet

Ajinbayo Akinsiku wants the world to know Jesus Christ, just not the gentle, blue-eyed Christ of old Hollywood movies and illustrated Bibles.

“For the unchurched, the book is to show that this thing, the Bible, is still relevant,” Mr. Akinsiku said.

Mr. Akinsiku says his Son of God is “a samurai stranger who’s come to town, in silhouette,” here to shake things up in a new, much-abridged version of the Bible rooted in manga, the Japanese form of graphic novels.

“We present things in a very brazen way,” said Mr. Akinsiku, who hopes to become an Anglican priest and who is the author of “The Manga Bible: From Genesis to Revelation.” “Christ is a hard guy, seeking revolution and revolt, a tough guy.”

The back of the hill said...

If Ajinbayo Akinsiku can also throw some Japanese highschool girls or cat-demons into the story, plus at least one scene where the hero accidentally invades the girls locker room, it might be worth a read.

Either that or a giant robot.

Seriously, I probably ain't going to bother reading the NT as manga. Like the movie 'Titanic', I already know how it ends. No great revelation there.

e-kvetcher said...

>Like the movie 'Titanic', I already know how it ends

I guess you don't go to see a lot of Shakespeare either?

>No great revelation there.

Groan. I disagree. Though I doubt its historicity, I think the NT is a great work of cruci-fiction ;)

Enjoy Vancouver!

The back of the hill said...


Your Shakespeare comment was a clever riposte. And I actually do not go to see much Shakespeare (but I reread the plays).

If Shakespeare had written Titanic, it would probably have been worth watching. Imagine Falstaff struggling on the slanting deck, then plunging into the water.

Your pun above is horrid, horrid, horrid. I shall shamelessly steal it to refer to the NT. I had previously been calling it The Subsequentia

Spiros said...

I don't "do", which appears to be the regrettable verb, memes.

Have a good time in Canada, eh.
And remember, cruci-fiction is a doddle.

e-kvetcher said...


DODDLE, n. [ˈdo(:)dəl, ˈdo̜dəl]
†1. A hard pellet of dirt which forms on the tail of a sheep.
*Gall. 1824 MacTaggart Gallov. Encycl. 191:
Nae wadder fleet can ower them jump . . . Wi’ rattling doddles arset stump.
2. The male genitals (Sc. 18th cent. Merry Muses (1800); Cai.1 c.1920; Cai.7 1940; Ags. c.1922 (per Ags.18)); gen. in pl. Hence doddled.
*Mearns3 c.1928:
A married man with no family was said to be dum doddled.
Comb.: dog’s doddles, the spotted orchis, Orchis maculata (Cai.9 1948). Cf. Eng. dogstones, orchis.
3. A small lump of home-made toffee sold in the “wee” shops in Edinburgh, usually four for a halfpenny; a super-doddle cost one farthing (Edb.3 1929; Edb. 1948 (per Abd.27)). Hence used of something easy or attractive (Edb.5, Lnk.11 1940) or of “money easily obtained” (Gsw. 1934 E. Partridge Dict. of Slang (1937)).
*Edb. 1948 (per Abd.27):
See yon car! It’s a doddle! Can ye no swim? Man, it’s a doddle.
[Cf. Doddle, v., 1 (1). Sense 3. is prob. a separate word from dod, s.v. Dad, n.2, 3.]

Spiros said...

Centurian: Have you ever seen anyone crucified?
Matthias: Crucifixion's a doddle!
Centurian: Stop saying that.]

The back of the hill said...

Romans go home.

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