Tuesday, November 06, 2007



It's a beautiful word. Just say it several times. Doesn't it just roll off the tongue?
It's fun to say words like pie. Like Cheezwhiz. Chocklit. Laatyeung (hot-sauce). Cake. Pie. Gafiltefeesh. Chocolate frosted sugar bombs. Pie. Gehocktuhlayber. Tasty-cake. Crispiyumyums. Goo. Pie.

These words sound best if followed by an exclamation mark - it's the equivalent of a happy-face.

Pumpkin Pie

[Canned pumpkin often is butternut squash, which is sweeter than regular pumpkin. Carving pumpkins are not very good cooking pumpkins. Cooking pumpkins are usually called 'sugar pumpkins'.]

Two cups mashed cooked pumpkin.
One and a half cup half and half.
Two eggs.
Two yolks.
One cup brown sugar.
1 teaspoon cinnamon.
1/2 teaspoon ginger.
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg.
1/4 teaspoon cloves.
1/2 teaspoon salt.

9-inch pie crust (store-boughten or make your own).

Gently beat all ingredients together and pour into pie crust.
Bake at 425 for about fifty minutes. Let it cool down for at least an hour before eating.

Note: To prepare pumpkin for mashing, cut the flesh into chunks and boil in lightly salted water till soft. Or place the chunks on a cookie sheet and bake for about thirty to forty minutes at 350 to 375 degrees. Slightly dehydrated and caramelized is good, browned and crusty is bad - keep an eye on them. They can also be softened by heating in covered Pyrex in the microwave on high.

Bong appety, y'all.


Anonymous said...

I used to think that pumpkin pie was the best. That was until I tried sweet potato pie and discovered that it is much more gooder. Last comment, if you’re going to say “y’all” you must know that technically “y’all” is not pleural. If you want to use the word in a pleural context you would say “all-y’all”.


Anonymous said...

Being British my view of culinary activity is limited and uninspired.

But I'm always willing to learn - as long as the dishwasher is serviceable and it doesn't take up too much valuable drinking time


"One and a half cup half and half.
Two eggs.
Two yolks"

demands clarification 4me

WHAT is "half & half"?
DOES 2 eggs & 2 yolks = 4 yolks & 2 whites?


Anonymous said...

Apologies to Anonymous - I clicked my mouse too soon.

I am the Brit.


unaware of the "e" in plural

The back of the hill said...

Hello Graham,

Two eggs and two yolks is indeed a toal of four yolks, but only two whites.

Half and half is what Americans use in their coffee. Half milk and half cream. So nothing at all like Dutch koffiemelk, and not as rich as regular cream or heavy cream.

Spiros said...

We are not trying to sneak a fast one past a poor, unsuspecting Brit: there is no such word as "pleural"; I suspect the above was a typo of the type so commonly committed by, well, me. Although, come to think of it, maybe there should be such a word, maybe to describe a series of linked inanities? A pleural of invalid proposals? A pleural of malaprops? A pleural of typos?

Sjs said...

lol. did you know that chocolate was banned in switzerland for many years. read this

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