Tuesday, August 15, 2006


How else would he know that I do not own an SUV?

I can't recall mentioning driving, vehicles, means of locomotion, or stubborn attitudes towards wheelie things......

Yet in a recent posting (here: http://dovbear.blogspot.com/2006/08/suvs-are-for-weanies.html ) he correctly states that I do not own a SUV.

Bloggers who certainly don't own SUVs:
Ren Reb

There is no other possible explanation.
Dovbear is the head of the Egyptian / Saudi / Jordanian / Syrian / Iraqi secret service.

I actually don't even own a car. Of any type.

I used to own a car.

I no longer own a car.

Back in 1982, after a long lunch at a soul-food restaurant in West-Oakland with several friends (I can still remember that scrumptious corn-bread and collards with pot-liquor), I took a wrong turn on the way back to Berkeley. Somehow I ended up in Moraga - in a desolate area on a sand-road to nowhere. So I turned around and headed out, back to the noise of the freeway and the populated world.

At ninety miles an hour.

1. It is not advisable to drive ninety miles an hour on a dirt-road in the middle of nowhere at twilight.

2. It IS advisable to slow down when coming to a sharp bend in the road.

3. When you do not slow down, your car may turn over several times.

4. And come to a stop upside down.

5. Before slowly starting to slide down the slope.

6. And finally coming to a complete stop in a gravel pit fifty yards down-hill.

7. Where you have to wrestle yourself out of the passenger-side window.

At this point you may discover several things.

1) You. Are. In. Moraga.
2) Your car used to have corners.
3) Your car now has NO uncracked or shattered glass.
4) The car-frame is bent.
5) The doors are hosed - one can't open, the other won't close.
6) Your pipe (a black sandblast panel with a taper-stem) is still in your mouth, the tobacco is still lit, and has reached perfect cruising temperature - the Turkish leaf is coming into its own.
7) Baruch Hashem!

A marvelous voyage of discovery.

I learned several things I did not know.

Never stop learning.

Eventually, with the help of some passers by, the car was turned right-side up. It still worked, so I did drive back to Berkeley that evening - pulling to the left the whole time, because due to the frame being severely bent the vehicle veered to the right. The driver-side door would not open, the passenger-side door could not close completely - in consequence the alarm went off for the entire drive back. Which is irritating.

The car was considered a total wreck by the insurance company.

I haven't driven since.

There's a connection there. A link, if you will. Perhaps causal.

A meise she-personal-hoyo:
A few years before that, for a family event, my father and his wife, and my uncle and his family, had all come to Berkeley. Where both my father and my uncle had lived before going off to war in the forties - my father to the Royal Canadian Air Force and three years of flying a bomber over Germany, my uncle to the US Navy, and three years of toodling around Hawaii.

So I drove 'em around.

My uncle and my aunt got out white as sheets, and did not ride with me again.

One of my cousins, who had been warned by my uncle and aunt, nearly had hysterics after her turn. And needed help getting out.

I shan't mention the reaction of the other cousin. That would be mean. I am not mean.

My father, when I drove him around, just had this big grin all over his puss. He rode with me several more times after that.

I think he approved of my no-nonsense style of manoevering.

Oh, I probably should mention that until he married the woman who a few years later was to become my mother, he had owned several small Italian sportscars and an aeroplane (she made him get rid of the dangerous things).

So anyhow, if I had my life to live all over again, I would do exactly the same thing.
Ninety miles an hour.
I just wish I still had that pipe (a black sandblast panel with a taper-stem) .
And a double (!) helping of collard greens with pot-liquor.


Oh, you also had questions about the asteriskoth next to some of the shmei bloggim?

I'll let Dovbear explain.....

"It's long been my opinion that a man who lives on a cul-de-sac only purchases a giant car for ego and image purposes. In the suburbs they serve no other purpose. I feel the same way about tables in shuls - because when you are sitting at one, surrounded by stacks of books, it's easy to deceive yourself into thinking that you're a scholar.

In a shul full of tables a yeshiva alum who hasn't read a word of Aramaic in 20 years can pretend that he's unmarried, unruined and immersed in the study of torah; behind the wheel of an SUV, its owner can pretend that he's something other than overweight, middle-aged and far less virile then he once was."

*Probably has tables in his shul.

Please note, there is NO asterisk following my name.
My table has no shul.


have popcorn will lurk said...


And my dad doesn't like my driving.

I'm sending him your story!

The back of the hill said...

Cool. Let me know what his reaction is. ;-D

Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

Oh my god.
And i thought *I* scare passengers with my Mad Boropark Skillz(tm).

At least you escaped uninjured!

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