Wednesday, August 30, 2006


It's getting mighty close to New Year's......

Which can mean only one thing......


[Ooh... dancing rabbis! Dancing rabbis rule, dude! Righteous!]

The telethon, as everyone knows, benefits West-Coast Chabad's various programs, raising money for a lot of really worthwile things.

"Like what?" I hear you ask.

Well, how about non-denominational drug addiction treatment?
That alone ought to get your money flowing. When someone is trying to kick a destructive addiction, the absolute last thing they need is some self-righteous poohag lecturing them about Jayzits or Buddha, and trying to get them to convert to. the. one. true. religion. oh. joy. you-za. gonna. git. SAYYVED. now! boy. [This seems logical, but you'de be surprised how many do-gooders don't understand this.]

Chabad's other stuff is good too - even if you don't agree with them, and feel uncomfortable about the sometimes Artscrollish shmaltzy cottoncandy version of Judaism that they project.

Who else is gonna get kosher le Peysach matzes to groups of Yidden in the weirdest corners of golus?
Who else actively seeks to reintegrate third generation apikorsim from Russia back into the tribe?
Who else will help an elderly alcoholic clean up his life?

You know they do good stuff. And they do it because its the right thing to do. So why not dump some money on them? Like, right now. Klick here:

Go on, click.

You know you want to.

It's a mitzvah.

Why haven't you clicked there yet? What's stopping you? What are you waiting for? Yes, you - I'm talking to someone else perhaps? I mean you. Click now. Donate. Go on. Please.
You don't want to donate so much? Dude, even a couple of bucks is worthwhile. You say you already donate to many other worthwhile causes? That's great, beautiful, I am so proud of you, and one more ain't gonna hurt.

Go on, click on that link. Don't do it for me, do it for yourself. You'll be glad you did. It will make you feel all warm to donate. If you want to do it for me, that's fine too, really, I wouldn't object - I just want you to plonk some of your hard-earned money where it hurts. Click on that link. The need exists, the good causes won't go away, yes they will always be there to tempt you into another donation (click on that link already), but really, what's the harm in that? A few dollars gonna kill you?
Fer hevvins aches, donate. Now. Don't wait.

Click the link.

Thank you.

1 comment:

The back of the hill said...

And, as a sort-of preview, or at least an idea of the telethon (myeh, it will kind of help you envision the event), this video:

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