Monday, December 09, 2024


On the bus back from deepest Boondsnorgle, Marin County, I have come to recognize some of the regular passengers. The somewhat plump and dumpy somewhat middle-aged Chicana with the intelligent kindly face that has character, the fat-eared gentleman who lives in my neighborhood (always interesting to observe), the somewhat crazed redneckish lout, and the petite woman who is Mandarin-able, who gets on about halfway down the line after work. What they all have in common is no tatoos or highly individualistic clothing choices.
And not addicted to glowing cell-phone screens. So their faces look alive.

People are so much better to observe when they're actually still living and breathing, rather than chin-lit dead-faced screen zombies.

Central Sausalito has more dead people than any other bus stop.
I haven't quite figured out why that is.

The Chicana and the Mandarin-able woman are quite the most interesting. One can tell that their minds are doing things. And that they have personalities.
Personalities are unusual on the bus back from work. Or in Marin. Where many people lack much in that regard.

Observing people on the bus is the extent of my interaction. I am not a people person per se, and by the end of the work day I've often had quite enough of them.
And I need to decompose, as it were.

Sometimes one or two of the regulars are absent.
Which is rather a pity.
I miss them.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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