Saturday, December 07, 2024


Today I found myself respectfully disagreeing with another person over whether an absolute scumbucket of a human being, morally and ethically bankrupt, not a single redeeming facet, deserved to be gunned down on a New York street at 6:45 AM while on his way to a meeting of investor schmucks.

His opinion was that "nobody deserves to be killed".

I'm just questioning the time. Getting whacked is probably a horrible way to start the day.
I would prefer to start the day with coffee, as in fact I do, and the hit man did.
Life is so much brighter after that first cup of coffee.

Fortunately most of the country agrees with me. Someone on the internet published a list of two dozen other medical insurance company CEOs who should not be whacked before that first cup of coffee, with faces and salaries. Admittedly there are many more people about after coffee, but even so mistakes would be hard. Photos!

An overlap of direct action, freedom of personal expression, and the market place restoring balance; it's how capitalism is supposed to work.
I am sorry, I cannot disapprove of, or feel any regret about, the glee that most of the country has expressed over this incident. Nobody deserves to be killed. Okay, but some people are better off dead. And that can helpfully be arranged.

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