Monday, December 02, 2024


A popular "pro-Palestinian" meme on the internet sneers at what Israelis eat, in ways that the National Socialists, Russian commisars, Latin American progressives, and racialists in Ivy League environments support and stand behind. It is childish and uncomplex. And, naturally, wholeheartedly approved of in places like Berkeley, besides the usual festering hellholes like Dublin, Glasgow, London, and London. Dutch and German leftwingers, being usually devoid of subtlety, nuance, and any deep understanding of anything at all, are also circulating variants of it. Totally oblivious to their own countries having originally very little in the way of decent food (and the less said about British "cuisine", the better).

The British are so monumentally unaware of decent cooking as well as their own culture that many of them now claim that they invented curry, hot sauce, and Chinese food, as well as frozen peas on everything and Heinz tinned beans. As well as chocolate.

Well, they did come up with the deep-fried Snickers bar.
Possibly at the same time as Spam fritters.
So that is, actually, a cuisine.

The Germans invented the curry wurst, the Dutch are infamous for obsessively deep frying everything and anything at all since WWII, Scandinavia does flygande Jakob, köttbullar i kari, and banana pineapple pizza (a popular variation on the Canadian national dish). In fact, the popular foods in most of the countries inhabited by raving anti-Semites (and Berkeley) are deep-fried starchy stuff, imitation French, Italian, and American, or a variation on pizza.
Which may or may not have been invented by two Slovakian immigrants to New York around the time of the Black Death. Jury's still out on that one.

In any case, all cuisine comes originally from Africa, the great mother continent, and is an imperialist construct intended to exploit third worlders, minorities, and women.

An analysis of memetic expression in social media.
Authors: BMM and SPM

On a different track, thanks to someone I formerly knew as Mid.Man. (an abbreviation of convenience), who has spent far too long in the university environment, I am now aware of another meme, which builds scholarly paper titles based on your name(s) and birthdates. Of which the above is my personal one. And I should mention that I am a black lesbian vegan and see everything through the lens of that reality. If you dispute any of this you are an old white male and confuse white privilege with hard work and your own talents.

BTW: I welcome peer review.
You know who you are.
Banana for scale.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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