Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Dovbear mentions daemons in connection with Halloween. Apparently a lot of people at his shul are convinced that such beings actually exist, and that they are a threat.......

[See this post: http://dovbear.blogspot.com/2008/10/in-honor-of-halloween.html ]

Pursuant which, Dov links to an article here about home renovations and daemons by Rav Ari Enkin. Es hot ein gevaldikke Feng-Shui taam. Echt, und be emmes.

Don't move your stove. Do not place furniture where your wall should be, open windows for the dying, and don't tell anyone that you can see dead people (that last bit is sound advice).

Pardon me for saying hoo ha.

JS posted a lovely comment underneath Dov's post:There are some opinions that hold demons and spirits roam the Internet and that website owners and bloggers must be very careful when they redesign their website to keep all links between pages intact lest a demon or spirit get trapped or lost as they roam around their God-given path on the Internet.

Sometimes people who are especially attuned to these things can feel these demons or spirits, they usually manifest as a sudden burst of rage at reading another person's comments.

How. Dry.
Heh. ;-D

Many of the other readers seemed similarly sceptical. Dovbear himself considers the entire thing laughable lunacy.

I, however, am not so sure............
Some of Dov's readers are clearly possessed.

In fact, Ira urged Esther not to reveal her true incarnation - and as he normally agrees completely with her, I must assume that he believes that she is indeed a supernatural entity, and that may mean that he is one as well............


Spiros said...

This just in...
The Philadelphia Phillies have won their second World Championship in 126 years, beating the Tampa Bay Non-Satanic Fishes. Take that, you Red State bitches!

Anonymous said...

If yo9u don't watch it, boy, a holy cow will haunt you, and tip this blog. So stop pissing in everyone's crazy-garden.

Fling poo instead.

Or pie.

Yes, pie. Pie is good.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Never ignore the pie. NEVER .. ignore the pie.

---Grant Pie

Spiros said...

I threw the gauntlet down to the Possessed on DovBear's Blog: instead of smearing Obama, if perhaps some of the possessed could give us a reason to vote for McCain.
Watch out for pea-soup vomit!

Anonymous said...

a reason to vote for McCain.


Just think of what for more years could do for John Stewart's material. He already rose to the top largely due to the Bush maladministration, four years of advanced senile goober would send him into the stratosphere.

---Grant Patel

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