Monday, April 07, 2008


Yesterday evening I studied over at a friend's house. I forgot to remove my keppel when I left. I was not reminded that I had it on till I reached the bar for a nightcap.
[I was already raising the Scotch to my lips when a fellow bar-patron noticed it.]

Let's just say that I was even more carefull not to make a fool of myself in public than normal. Please try to imagine what a monumental internal struggle that is.


e-kvetcher said...

why did the fellow bar patron assume the kippah didn't belong on your head permanently?

The back of the hill said...

Because I do not wear a keppel outside of certain contexts.

The contexts are, dealing with certain texts and studying relevant literature, or being present at certain events.

Why do I not otherwise wear a keppel?

Simple - my behaviour might not always reflect well on the kippah-wearing olam.

e-kvetcher said...

what I meant is that the guy at the bar knew you then? Otherwise why would he assume that you don't always wear one?

The back of the hill said...

Yes, he knew me. I seldom drink far from the apartment, and hardly ever in a strange place.

Spiros said...

I beg to differ with you; you drink in very strange places, indeed.

Tzipporah said...

eh, what's a little chillul hashem between friends? ;)

Anonymous said...

If you have decided to continue wearing your kipah in public, perhaps in addition to studying text, you might also want to study Krav Maga!

Kol tuv;


The back of the hill said...

I'm waiting for someone to publish a tiefe lomdishe sefer of commentary on Mesechte Krav Maga first.

I'll settle for a cannister of pepperspray.

Plain Suede Kippahs said...

I also experience same as your story. But I dont care what they say just be at is. So what if your wearing kippah in a place like this.Dont mind them.

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