Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Esrog Jelly is a seguloh for an easy child-birth.

When my mother was in labour with my brother, they decided after something like twenty or thirty hours to commit a Caesarian. Labour was not easy. And apparently, horror stories like that were by no means uncommon. Back in the narrow-hipped day.

[She did not take esrog jelly. She had never even heard of it.]

Years ago, the sister of a friend gave birth to her firstborn in approximately twenty minutes. She was back on her feet again in hours. Unusual, especially for so tiny a woman.

[She didn't take esrog jelly either. Wouldn't have even known what it was.]

Now Ed writes:
"During one of my wife's labors, she ate Esrog Jelly from Rebbetzin Kanievsky when she was about 6 cm dilated.
A mere 15 minutes later, she was ready and the baby was out in minutes.
[See comment thread on this post:]

So I had to wonder - what would've happened if my friend's sister had eaten that jelly?


Better have a net handy.

The foetus would've shot out of the womb like a clown from a circus cannon, and the birth canal would've made a sharp snapping sound as it slammed shut, kinda like bubble gum popping.

The kid would've ended up pointy-headed from the high-speed squeeze-out.

Either that or tube-shaped.

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