Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Anti-Semite = A Cossack who boasts that several of his friends are Jewish; a Goy.
Self hating Jew = Someone who in rebellion against his mother socializes with the Anti-Semite next door; an Apikoros.


Phillip Minden said...


anti-Semite: goy who does something I don't like.

self-hating Jew: Jew who does something I don't like

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Lipman,

Life in the suburbs of America is so easy that it permits you to be that naive. Although its obvious that you need to understand the real world a little better, thank HaShem for living in the one easy place in Galut.

Kol tuv:


Tzipporah said...

BoTH - I hesitate to ask what inspired this post... :p

The back of the hill said...

What inspired this post? Simple, I was going through the Rabam's notes on one of Rabbi Schmeckelstein's drashas.

The two definitions complimented each other nicely.

And reminded me of the time the Cossacks borrowed the station-wagon for a treifish snack run to Bayonne. They wrecked it. And the quickie mart they crashed into. Cossacks!

e-kvetcher said...

Cossacks! - reminded me of this scroll down to read the contents of the letters!

The back of the hill said...

It's a lovely letter. Can't read the original, but the translation is lyrical.

e-kvetcher said...

note the use of the term catamite, which I believe I'd seen on this blog as well!

Phillip Minden said...

R, how could anyone have taken that literally?

(Nevertheless, I agree that people in these suburbs might not get the idea of actual anti-Semitism.)

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