Monday, May 08, 2006


Expect a huge outcry demanding the release of Yisrael Vales.


Because he is manifestly innocent. As is conclusively proven by his having withdrawn his confession. Surely a frumme yungerman would not lie.

He's a brilliant scholar, why he's a veritable ilui, and a credit to his community, whose estimable rebbeyim have publicly proclaimed him innocent, averring that he's an angel, a dear sweet boy! And his police accusers are guilty of a blood-libel, and probably Arabs to boot, oh lack-a-day!

From Ha'aretz:
"Yisrael Vales, 19, is suspected of beating his son and throwing him against the wall because the baby's cries annoyed him. The infant died of his wounds in early April."

Please note: the baby had evidence of brain hemorrhaging, oedema, violent trauma, and bites on his body.

Attorney Avigdor Feldman told the Jerusalem District Court that he intends to examine the confession Vales gave his interrogators. He asserts that his client was pressured into confessing, being threatened with remaining in custody.

And surely this proves the innocence of the dear sweet angel?

A normal, cynically inclined secular human being would've realized that such a confession, rather than securing his release, would have guaranteed further custody. But Yisrael Vales is a talmid, and consequently not wise to the ways of the world.

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