Thursday, May 18, 2006


Regarding Ayaan Hirsi Ali, further articles are here:
[Muslim's Loss of Dutch Citizenship Stirs Storm ]
[Somali-born Dutch lawmaker welcome in US: Zoellick]
[Dutch lawmaker in asylum row to move to US]

I have not written a posting to accompany them yet. But please read these articles, and comment.

The press is focussing too much on her being a Muslim, not nearly enough on her freedom of speech activism.

Nor is the press pointing out that the ruckus is both politically motivated (elections coming up), and a convenient way for the Liberal Party (VVD) to divest themselves of someone who is no longer useful and obedient - a nice quiet immigrant who will say yes sir, thank you sir, and then shut up and only speak when spoken to.

The Dutch do not like foreigners, and they do not like brown people who speak up.
Brown people who dutifully volunteer for broom duty will be tolerated.
Others will be smacked at the earliest opportunity.

Feisty foreigners, however, are usually despised by many. The Dutch, like the Americans, believe themselves to be blessed.

Plus the whole thing has a nasty undertone of currying favour with the Dutch Muslim community - 'see, we got rid of that woman who was pissin' y'all off, now vote for our party and stop complaining'.

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