Saturday, February 01, 2025


Rabbit rabbit. For good luck. Goodness knows we need that now. It's not even been two weeks and already things are going to hell in a handbag with the chuckleheads in charge. Egg prices have gone up, not down. There was no hell to pay by Hamas for holding hostages way past the expiry date set by Trump. The Ukraine Russia war did not end on day one.

Food supplies in the coming months may be somewhat haphazzard, seeing as we're now imposing tariffs on imports from Mexico, and destroyed the water reserves of farmers in the San Joaquin Valley for Trumps blusteringly boastful propaganda op. Besides which, many of America's farmworkers are illegals working under near slave-labour conditions, and the entire food processing industry relies on similar situations. Pork production in the great heartland could not survive without brutality in the plants. Or bestiality on the farms.

Apparently, the Communist Chinese turned our chickens into woke transgenders, which is why they're not at home laying. There was something to that effect today from one of the senile old codgers in the backroom.
Could be worse, I suppose. My apartment mate is still traumatized by an old lady flapping a breast at her. Must have been something Christian. My apartment mate, who is actually a well-brought-up Cantonese American girl, is easily traumatized by such things. As a tough and resilient Dutch American myself, whose ancestors came over years before Nieuw Amsterdam was sold to the British, I am abundantly used to Christian madness.
It's been part of this country since inception.

[My apartment mate takes offense at being described as well-brought-up. She insists that she is common peasant stock, and also asserts angrily that I would have had the bloody vapours dammit if someone waved their white meat at me.]

Rabbit rabbit. Don't eat corpses past their prime.
Sorry, cadavers. Not corpses, cadavers.
Beef, chicken, lamb, pork.
No rabbits.

There are still several tins of Spam and other luncheon meat in the kitchen shelves, and let us not speculate what Iowa will put out after their employees are shitcanned back to Guatamala and points further south.

Apparently Bald Eagles will soon no longer be on the protected list. But they aren't, strictly speaking, edible. Unlike Florida alligators, Texan varmints, or swamp rat from Louisiana.
Or lab-grown meat from Alabama.

Rabbit rabbit. It's for luck.
First day of the month.
Rabbit rabbit.

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