Monday, February 10, 2025


Trump wants America to become more Christian. Okay now! As someone who is hereditarily Dutch Calvinist, because my first American ancestors were born in Nieuw Amsterdam, I will welcome the banning of repulsive heresies like the Methodists, Baptists, Southern Baptists, Jehova's Witnesses, Millenialists, Cathars and other pescatarians, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, and all manner of charismatics, fundamentalists, evangelicals, and pentacostals.
As well as so-called Prosperity Theology and similar idolatrous heathendoms.
Pitchforks and torches, dudes, pitchforks and torches.

I would like to remind everyone that the greatest period in Western civilization perfectly coincided with the Dutch Golden Age, when all those odious heathendoms and their occultic practices were held in check, repressed, outlawed, and burned at the stake. The sensible Netherlanders were in charge. Biggest trading company, the world's bankers, scientists artists, poets, and the best organized military under Stadholder Prince Mauritz.

Leave it to us, you heathens. We'll make this world work yet.
As well as telling all of you what to think.
I particularly look forward to repressing those folks in the Southern States, because they're all basically violent incest-practicing idolaters with pickup trucks, and largely illiterate.
With the highest numbers of STDs, high school dropouts, and psychopaths.

I cannot think of any American region with a more pressing need of stern treatment.

Just think of all those pale milk-white backs, purulent and blistering in the hot sun on our thriving tobacco plantations. Trailer parks with windmills for electricity. Proper dikes and levees along the Mississippi. And New Orleans finally free of alcoholism and syphilis!

No more "American Football" ever!

I thrill at the thought.

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