Sunday, February 02, 2025


Dammit, the price of eggs is still skyhigh. How is anyone going to fill their tank? And at least two Canadian provinces have ordered bourbon yanked from the shelves, which will inevitably lead to riots and starvation in a few red states which don't produce darned well anything else worth buying. In solidarity with my Canadian cousins, I too shall abstain from cornmash and similar swill.

Of course I already did that, so no biggie.

I've always mentally associated American whiskey with disgusting drunkards, perverts, and inbred teenagers out behind the levee brutalizing their cousins like rabbits. No, I've never been to those states. No interest. Never even saw the movie 'Deliverance'.
Which apparently is based on real events.

By the way: The Beverly Hillbillies was just an attempt to make those people likeable.
It ultimately failed. Of course. Inbred stupidity is just not nice.
Even as the target of sneering laughter.
J. D. Vance.
What can I say? I'm just a mean old cuss, with a tonne of reasons to look down upon and loathe almost every state in between the Sieras and the East River. Bad food and hygiene, staggering ignorance and self-righteousness, and savage heathendom coming out of their pores. Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, and the sewage bucket that is the Midwest?
Zij kunnen allemaal de klere krijgen.

Also, seeing as due to my medications I do not consume alcohol anymore, there is no reason to purchase American liquour. No old-fashioneds, no Manhattans.

So rather than marinating the orange peel or the maraschino cherries, I'll just eat them as is. Nom nom nom. Fruit salad! Nutritious!

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