Thursday, February 27, 2025


Half a year ago the toxic old rightwingers in the backroom were slagging masks and vaccines and saying that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin turned out to have provable effectiveness against covid 19. Which, even at the time they were stating it, was blatant crap. Plus several have sworn that they'll never take vaccines again, not even the flue shot. Which I really hope they mean, because they all take up space, use resources, and do not add anything to other people's lives.

I'm not a scientist but! I'll take the recommendations of the doctors and medical staff I know over ideologically informed rightwingers and Mill Valley naturopaths, hippies, and natural healing bozos any day.

By the way: apple cider vinegar may be good for your karma and your aura, but it doesn't do bupkes for anything else other than food. Be sure to check your chakras on the way out.

If there is no flue vaccination this coming year (because the CDC is not making a decision due to a hostile right wing takeover), take extreme physical revenge on republicans.
May I suggest a baseball bat? It's all American.
The first month of the new regime has been a bigly covefe, and if it continues in this fashion we'll probably have violent riots nationwide by summer. Which will be fully justified.
I seriously expect mayhem from both sides as we slide into disaster.

Attacks on private security should be frequent.

Mentally prepare for measles, tuberculosis, new emergent debilitating diseases, arrests, tear gas, arson, national guard and police violence, assasination attempts, scarcities of gasoline and medicines, and a barrage of stupid self-serving actions and statements from Christians and Republicans. Kind of like a sewer overflowing.

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