Wednesday, February 19, 2025


If you salt simply cooked broccoli it tastes sweet. It also goes very well with salt fish (鹹魚 'haam yü'), to the same effect. Or bacon. I think I'll suggest that to the owners, because us old codgers benefit from increasing our vegetable intake. And we are their main demographic at lunch time. Their set lunches (choice of one of the three sets on the white board) appeal to a predominantly antique or elderly Cantonese clientele. Though in the section where I sat there were a young business couple, a younger woman whom I've seen there before who can't speak Chinese, and a young mother with her small child and a female friend.
Besides myself. And the elderly couple representing the main demographic.
Actually I don't identify as an 'old codger'.
Sprightly young codger.

So not mostly elderly Cantonese today.

After doing my shopping and errands following a post-lunch pipe I ended up at a bakery around tea time, where all three of the old American Chinese gentlemen were at the back table. It turns out that they are somewhat Trumpish. Which is disappointing. Given that Trump is not on their side no matter how many onions they tie to their belt.
Or used to, back in the day.
Of course I should mention that they are considerable older than myself. And by comparison, I am but a sprout. Which was proven when I was outside later lighting up, when a young lady gave me the most radiant happy smile from less than three feet away.

Unfortunately she may not have even been four years old, and less than half my height. So she may have mistook me for Father Christmas's younger brother or something.
Evenso. She was radiant, happy, and quite adorable.

There's hope for the old fart yet.

While shopping I bought some fruits for my downstairs neighbor the old Indonesian Chinese lady who lives in the front street-side apartment. Snowpear (雪梨 'suet lei') and tangerine (橘子 'gwat ji'). She probably needs broccoli (西蘭菜 'sei laan choi') and bacon or salt fish.
But she's weird about food. Almost white in that regard.
And you know how those people are.

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