Thursday, September 14, 2023


Upon waking I tried to clear my head of all the crap that had accumulated there while I slept. Not actual 'events', but memories of what I heard about them, as well as happy songs about ghastly things. The edge of sleep in the morning is a strange place. That first cup of coffee and opening up my browser usually sets me right.

In part the issue is the prescriptions I'm taking. In part it's simply that the world is a very weird place. Largely because of people. The internet comment that rocks is "we probably all need therapy at some point and so does this person but they need it more than most."
Which I discovered on someone else's page and promptly stole.

[By the way, seeing my cardiologist early in the morning today, and doing the stress test. We'll discuss those medications along with pipe tobacco, cigars, or coffee. Then maybe an early lunch with all of it afterwards. So there's that.]

It's a man, a method, a way of life.

It's all about happy discoveries.
Bugs too, but mostly the discoveries.

One of the things I found recently was "kulit salmon berisi telur masin" (salmon skin with salted egg yolk). Wasn't till I got home that I realized 'hey, no Chinese text!' Which would be 鹹蛋黃味三文魚皮 ('haam daan wong mei saam man yu pei'). Seeing as the store where I got it is in Chinatown, it may be a bit slow moving without the clear text saying what it is.

I am perfectly okay with most people shying away from it.


After sampling it I felt like saying "OMG, OMG, OMG" on infinite loop like a teenager. It's very good. Delicious. Highly recommended. Probably increases the incidence of gout, heart attacks, and irritation from your idiot relatives, to a near certainty.
But it might make that worthwhile.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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