Thursday, September 14, 2023


Mordechai posted: "My fridge has regular milk, oat milk, and goat milk. I’m so fancy."
And he clarified that there was no soy milk.
To which I reacted.

Facebook then informed me that this comment might conceivably be considered racist: "Regular milk, sweetened condensed milk for the other person, and congealed milk as well as milk fat (for both residents). The other person (Chinese American) tried soy milk once, then informed me that white people were crazy and threw it out."

It's an honest opinion. I have often thought that many white people were out of their goofy little subpar minds. As events in the last decade plus have abundantly shown.

To be frank, I'm getting a little tired of Facebook's puritanical slant. It's very damned white of them. Moralizing mush-mouth-standards-enforcing creeps. They probably eat gluten-free ethically sourced green pizza all the time and only play non-violent video games.
Mark Zuckerberg can blow it out of his stinking sanctimonious ear.
There is no artificial intelligence there.
It's all-organic stupidity.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once described what a firearm does when the trigger is pulled in reference to a video of a store owner defending the premises from juvenile delinquents of a nearby ghetto. For that, FB accused me of promoting violence, killed my newsfeed for a week, suspended me for three days, and removed my political and religious preferences in my bio. The last part was odd since I obviously only used descriptions that were parody, i.e., for religion I put Discordian, and political, Anarcho-Capitalist-Zionist. Maybe the blue haired Puritan-progressive freaks didn’t like the Zionist part. I don’t know, but yes, FB has goofy standards.

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