Thursday, February 24, 2022


The only good thing that can come out of this is that a few people in the red states will perhaps finally realize that Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, Candace Owens, and Tucker Carlson, are Russian assets. And they might actually figure out that the Ukraine is NOT in Africa, as they thought -- a continent most of the ignorant savages in Mississippi couldn't locate on a map if it came up and bit them on their fat rear ends -- but is somewhere closer to Austria. A place they know about because they saw a documentary (actually, 'The Sound Of Music') in a history class once.

But it's all so very far away. Might as well be Ottowa or New Hampshire.

[I'm using Mississippi as a metaphor and stand-in for all the shitholes states: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.]

Other than wanting to see Russia, Putin, Fox News, Trump, Pompeo, Owens, Carlson, and Mississippi, destroyed, I have no actual horse in this race. Opinions, yes, of course, but that's much like everyone else, including the cigar-huffing rightwing morons I have to deal with regularely who are probably worried that their stock portfolios will tank.

Or that this might make Trump look less golden.

With Putin's diarrhea on his face.

Ass kisser.

To get your mind off this subject, and to interject the sweetness and light that you have come to expect from this blog, here's a classic recipe from the Chinese American Culinary repertoire which is easy and doable, even in darkest Mississippi. Where it would be considered impossibly exotic and refined. Modern living at it's best, oh my!

Food, always, is a such happy subject.

This goes well with grits.

[Fu Yung Hai - Velvety omelette with crab meat]

1兩 (one ounce) 蟹肉 (crab meat).
2支 (two stalks) 青蔥 (scallion).
4個 (four) 蛋 (eggs).
少許 (a pinch) 鹽 Salt).
2大匙 (two tablespoons) 油 (oil).

½杯 (half a cup) 高湯 (superior stock).
1大匙 (one tablespoon) 醬油 (soy sauce).
½小匙 (half a teaspoon) 大白粉 (tapioca flour).
少許 (a small pinch) 糖 (sugar).

Remove all shell fragments from the crab meat, rinse and chop the scallion. Gently beat the eggs till smooth, add the pinch of salt, the oil, the crab meat, and the chopped scallion.

Mix the tapioca flour with a little cold water.

Heat some oil in the wok, pour in the egg mixture, cook till barely set, and slide onto a plate. Wipe any fragments of the omelette out of the wok, add a drizzle oil, and when hot pour in the superior stock and soy sauce, adding the pinch of sugar. After two minutes or so of cooking, stir in the dissolved tapioca flour and when the sauce becomes glossy pour it over the omelette. Add a drizzle of fragrant sesame oil and some minced cilantro.

Please note: Amazon delivers. Even in Mississippi.
You can mail-order all of the ingredients.
Even the damned grits.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Why include Massachusetts in the list of horrible states whilst omitting Nevada and Utah? Asking for a friend.

The back of the hill said...

Good point. The current list, ao 12:30 AM March 3 2022 is: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Plus Los Angeles, Orange County, Philadelphia, San Diego, and Eastern Oregon.

The first post today will reflect that.

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