Thursday, October 07, 2021


Among the many search criteria which brought people to my blog recently were pipe tobacco, bicycles, Cantonese food, flower market in Hong Kong, lesbians in sports bras, Ken Weyler, Mississippi, dow sa .....

Wait, what? Lesbians in sports bras?

That's something I have never written about. Is this the latest fetish? Given that nearly forty percent of recent readers are from Russia, it's possible. Russians have queer interests.

Other recent searches were "high cut panties" and "lovely summer frock".

So, for the Russian readers here, please imagine a 'lesbian in a sports bra and high cut panties, wearing a lovely summer frock'.
Well, she could be a lesbian. But it's none of my business.
As long as she's reasonable happy with her life.
And finds the right person.

In all honesty I don't really know my reader demographic. Some local people in San Francisco, pipe smokers of all types, the odd angry Southerner who might have apoplexy, language mavens, women, and people sort of interested in food.

Also an increasingly disturbed Jewish American in the West Bank.
At least I think there's one. But possibly several.
Shakespeare, Proust, and Talmud.

Plus people who like rabbits, at least one avid reader of Charles Dickens, nobody who reads Lovecraft, Dutchmen, lonely individuals in Hong Kong who long for the day when they can travel again, and maybe Russian lesbians.

Welcome. Leave a comment. Enjoy your time here.

Summer frocks are lovely.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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