Friday, October 29, 2021


My downstairs neighbor has entirely given up on trying to convert me. I think the documentary hypothesis and Isaac Asimov convinced her that I was going to heck no matter what. That plus my horrible habits. My apartment mate, however, is still fair game. What with being Chinese, she's just a heathen, and not a disagreeable snarky-ass Dutch cynic who reads too much.
Besides, she's kin. Chinese!

So more likely to be one of the 144,000 than I am.

Seeing as my apartment mate told her relative the born-again Presbyterian to go fly a kite with that religion crap, my guess is that despite being Chinese, and a woman and therefore by definition malleable and weak-minded (!), that ain't gonna happen.

My downstairs neighbor, being Fujianese from Jakarta, may have some unrealistic ideas.
It's like having an elderly crazy country relative living downstairs from us.
The neighbor and the Presby don't know each other.
It would be critical mass if they did.

If we had a caged bird, there would be some use for the tracts. As it is, we aren't going to save them up to make a tree, and like junkmail they go into the garbage straight away.
Christianity seems to mean cutting down a forest.

Jesus could help me stop smoking. Apparently.
A bloody puritan busibody, is Jesus.
Probably a Vegan too.

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