Thursday, October 28, 2021


As you know I pay attention to many things on social media, and, naturally am a member of one or two pipe smoking groups. It's a way of keeping my sanity during pandemic times in a part of the world where pipe smokers are considered diseased old degenerates, and people without asking advise me to quit smoking tobacco, switch to marijuana which is grown by little green men in the Amazon rainforest who recycle and hug whales, and above all enjoy some gluten-free smoothies made with apple cider vinegar instead. It's better for me.

A change of lifestyle, which if applied, would make me spiritual, super healthy, and woke.
Enlightened and radiant with inner peace and good karma oh my golly.

I'm sorry, pilgrims, that is manifestly not the way.
Outside of the Bay Area, life is different.

"Wilkes Chocolate mixed with Stokkebye Black Coffee. Looking forward to Bible study tonight."

Wilkes and Stokkeby are pipe tobacco manufacturers (in this case: aromatics). The author of that phrase is a distinguished looking gentleman who lives in Kentucky. Bible study is what he does instead of watching Squid Game or playing marbles.

What we have in common are briars, moderate liberalism, and reading spectacles.
The enjoyment of aromatics and Bible study far, far, less so.
But I respect his lifestyle choices.

Blended By John Brandt
Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Cocoa / Chocolate

Considered a delightful variation on a popular theme, which might be enjoyable to smokers of non-aromatics. The Burley is dominant, the room note pleasant. Not a sticky goop tobacco.

Blended by Peter Stokkebye (Scandinavian Tobacco)
Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia

Just tobacco and coffee flavour. Main impression is coffee, with a very subtle hint of vanilla and sugar. Doesn't taste artificial, comes a bit dry rather than sticky and oily. A decent enough product. Not a sticky goop tobacco.

There are two types: Christian and Jewish. The Christian version is far less complex, much more superficial, and often goofily literalist. The Jewish version can be more intense and rewarding, requires linguistic dexterity, and an open mind (pshat, remez, moshol, drash).
If metafor is beyond you, don't even start.

I might try his tobacco. But the text studies would have to wait. You wouldn't want me sitting in a corner rolling on the floor and moaning from boredom and frustration.
It would detract from the experience.

All of these things make me sneeze.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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