Saturday, May 23, 2020


As far as I can tell, San Francisco and Sausalito will be the next epicentres of Covid19. Judging by the enormous number of people NOT wearing masks on the street, NOR practicing any form of social distancing. On the way back from work today, Sausalito was packed. Almost as if it was tourist season. Clusters of people happily telling the world, by their behaviour, that they were quite confident about their own survival, and unconcerned about the deaths of elderly people or folks with pre-existing conditions for which they would be responsible.

And one can easily understand their inconsiderateness; with all of us gone, real-estate prices will drop, and the rents will go down. And of course, if they themselves catch it, they can easily afford to lose forty pounds or so while intubated for two or three weeks. Someone will look after their dog and water their plants while they're in the hospital.

If one person on the street in Sausalito this evening had Covid19, soon one or two hundred people will have it.

Same goes for Polk Street in San Francisco, of course.

Again: rents, real estate.

It looks like we are going to cross 100,000 dead before the weekend is over. But that too is okay, really it is, because they're just useless old people, elsewhere, no one in the Bay Area has relatives anyhow.

1,622,605 confirmed cases nationwide, with 97,087 deaths so far. Elsewhere. Places like the New York area, and Los Angeles (43,070 confirmed).

Oh, and for those people without masks happily pushing strollers, kids are totally expendable and you can always make another one.

Just keep thinking about rents and real estate.

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