Sunday, April 28, 2013


Nearly two weeks ago Baroness Thatcher was funeralized. London came to a halt, ridiculously over-the-top hagiographic eulocrap was declaimed with sincere passion, and the conservatives of the world united in grief.
Thank heavens that's over.

I never joined in the worshipful adulation of either Maggie or Ronnie. And no, I refuse to consider either of those two to have been in any way great. The eighties were probably the worst decade since the war to have been alive, the aftereffects of misrule lasted well into the twenty-first century.

But I can understand that to the braindead and the ethically crippled, that was a golden age. The ghastly flaws that others so plainly recognized to them were virtues, and the mean-spiritedness of that age lived on, and contributed to the victory of a shallow near-illiterate in 2000.

If misplaced praise were sickening, we would all be nauseous now.

The only thing worse than the Labour Party was the Conservative side. Here in the United States, the same holds. The Democratic Party has a shockingly high ranking on the puke scale, but the Republicans made the vomit-o-meter spectacularly blow all its fuses.
We should have done better.
Deliberately we didn't.

Now that both of those miserable specimens have gone to hell, let us bury their legacies and try to rebuild the world. There is much to be done.

The last great president this country had was Lyndon Baines Johnson.
England has not been so lucky. Nothing but bounders since Churchill.

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