Thursday, August 23, 2012


Sometimes someone you know will launch into an anecdote that you may have heard so often that you can interrupt and finish recounting the tale for them. In general, doing so is not a good idea.
People define themselves through their experiences, and re-telling their personal stories helps reframe these. It gives them insights and perspectives about themselves they might not otherwise have.

I do the same, but I try not to be (too) repetitive. Around someone who may have already listened to me before, I will cast the material differently. Or go off on a different tack.
It surprises them. And me.


I like listening to other people. It throws the discussion into a format that they are comfortable with.
Because I excercise discrimination about my associates it is safe to do so - my friends tend towards calmness, sanity, and thoughtfulness.
Even those who find it hard to speak have fascinating things to say.
Especially the quiet ones. They percolate surprisingly.

What they all have in common is that they have creative minds. No, they do not produce great works of art or immortal literature, their inventiveness applies to how they live, and their consideration of others.
They think, read, bounce ideas, and stimulate.
And they're honest, ethical, and gentle.
Yes, that requires creativity.
People you can trust.

Several of them are unfortunately limited in what they can eat because of kashrus or vegetarianismus - and there's an overlap there - but I happen to know the particular kosher vegetarian who has been seeding the comment section of my blog with wonderful recipes for raccoons, possums, roadkill,  marmots.......
Rabbit preparations that she herself would never cook.
Charming dishes all, and I'm keen to try them!
She also prepares a mean sea-kitten.
Sustenance for the soul.


Food is something to be passionate about.
I judge restaurants more on the personalities of the people who eat and work there, and their interesting quirks, than on the expense of the ingredients or the rarity of the dish.
Eating is much more fun when you can observe other people.
Nowadays I often eat alone.

There's pleasure in simple cheap stuff that may not appeal to many others, and one must discriminate in dining partners. Only go to the interesting places with someone who is receptive to the food.
It really is the considerate thing to do.

Afterwards it's nice to smoke a pipe and day-dream for a while.
There's an alley near the pyramid that's good for that.
On weekends the Financial District is peaceful.

It is not likely that anyone would join me there, unfortunately.
Keeping company with a badger might bore them.
Even if I provided a pipe or a cheroot.

Everyone has different cycles and needs.

Stay flexible and try odd things.
Be considerate.
Eat well.

There's always something new.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Re: Rotesserie raccoon

I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you, even if I never call...or show up... or do much of anything anymore.

Sunday? Viks? Puri as big as your face? Say yes.

The back of the hill said...



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