Monday, August 10, 2009


Dutch journalist Désirée Röver asserted last week that the Jews are responsible for both Swine flu and the bird flu. The purpose of this dastardly Jewish plot is to exterminate humankind.

"In het interview legt ze ook een verband tussen Joden en het H3N2-virusmateriaal dat was besmet met H5N1. Een multinational zou meer dan 72 kilo H3N2-griepvirus hebben verspreid. Dat had volgens haar op grote schaal de langverwachte vogelgriep kunnen doen uitbreken. De groep bestaat volgens haar uit afstammelingen van een in 740 jaar na Christus tot het jodendom bekeerd volk dat oorspronkelijk in Zuid-Rusland en Georgië woonde. "

[TRANSLATION: 'In the interview she also draws a connection between Jews and H3N2-virusmaterial that was contaminated with H5N1. A multinational corporation (she asserts) spread more than 72 kilo of the H3N2 influenza virus. According to her, that could have caused the long-expected Avian flu to erupt. The group consists, according to her, of descendants of a people that converted to Judaism in 740 CE, who originally lived in southern Russia and Georgia.']



It would appear that many Dutch find this interesting theory believable. Judging from the commentary of readers of the Telegraaf.

The CIDI (Centrum Informatie & Documentatie Israel - the organization that reacts to manifestations of anti-Semitism in the Netherlands) is considering filing a complaint - Désirée Röver's statements are potentially dangerous and inflammatory.
The readers of De Telegraaf beg to differ.

I shall not bore you with translations of every comment that was placed under the article - mostly scribbling from the shallow-end of the European gene-pool - but give you merely a sampling of Dutch thoughts.

"It would be better if the CIDI investigated the behaviour of the IDF in the occupied territories", "It is time to take steps against the evil CIDI propaganda machine", "suspect that the flu virus was released by Los Alamos", "mean Jews", "It's true, they are spreading it", "there's more and more proof of this", "the CIDI supports the cruel rapaciousness of Zionism", "always accusing others of anti-Semitism", "always picking fights", "the government is trying to silence free speech", .......

Well golly.

The theory that Jews are spreading various strains of flu is quite insane. And is, as you probably realize, just another version of a traditional canard.

Jews don't spread flu.
They spread GOUT.
Everytime I have gehakte leber (chopped liver), I get gout like you wouldn't believe. Oy, both feet. The pain, you should only know!
And I'm not even mentioning cholent, a curse I tell you, keeps me from catching a wink on shabbes afternoon, there I am lying awake in the dark with throbbing toes, twitching, with azoy ghastly an indigestion to boot, uuuuuuuy, am I suffering, gevalt!

And far better I should not even tawk about brisket.



Normally I do not read De Telegraaf, limiting my exposure to the Dutch gutter press merely to the Algemeen Dagblad. Decent Dutch newspapers are the Volkskrant, Trouw, and the NRC Handelsblad. Today, for some reason, I delved into the Telegraaf. Not a healthy thing to do. An education I got. It is well known that the Telegraaf caters to lowbrows, bigots, racists, morons, and swine. The mental dregs of society, and their various neuroses and phobias.

It is Holland's most succesful newspaper.

The best newspaper in the Netherlands is, of course, the New York Times.



Désirée Röver has accused the United States of manufacturing HIV in order to eradicate African Americans.

She's also against inoculations, which are evil conspiracies, sinister plots, fie, fie.


The back of the hill said...

Further reading on the internet makes clear that Désirée Röver is convinced, absolutely convinced, that cervical cancer vaccinations are a plot by the World Health Organization against the next generation, that all vaccines are actually dangerous poisons that cause autism and ADD, and the best medicine is love, touch, and natural food. And furthermore, that there are conspiracies afoot to reduce the world's overpopulation by spreading various epidemics.

She also believes that when the head and the heart are truly unified, the hands can heal.

For some reason she is listed as a medical and scientific journalist and researcher.

The Dutch DO actually have a word for snake oil pitches - 'charlatanisme'.

Anonymous said...

She is a crazy loon.

She should keep her mouth shut since all she spews is crap about races of people.

Shame on her and anyone who believes her shit.

Mel Gibson said...

I told you so.

Anonymous said...

I haf always heard dat jewce is good for disease. My mom always made me drink orange jewce when i am sick. So i think the author is wrong- jewce is good when you are sick, Jewce does not cause sickness.

The back of the hill said...

Right on, brutha.

Anonymous said...


About a month ago I got Swine Flu. I spent the better part of a week isolated in my house running a fever. I'm not sure where I got it but I'm pretty sure not from a Jew (would that be Jew on Jew violence). The only Jews I spend any time with are my kids and they are only half Jewish (the better half of course). Maybe it's a Juvenile Zionist plot! :-)


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